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Magus of Nothing
This is a problem. Everyone is Seven foot. Or Six foot. Or y'know. Maybe just a nice round 6'6".

This annoys me. Everyone is huge. Tall and enormous. At seven foot, your bones would starts struggling to hold your own weight up properly. You'd experience some slight spinal problems. So please, this is just that, a plead.

Stop making huge characters.


Magus of Nothing
Elves should really just be a few inches taller overall...

The only reason they are 'averaging' that height is it seems the average human's height is about six foot.


Magus of Nothing
My character is a halfblood, and she's only 6FT 2.
So yeah :3
and she's only 6FT 2.
My point proved exactly. Your character is female. Average height of females nowadays is 5'3".

Let's take that. Let's assume being half-elven adds a generous three inches to your average height.

That is now 5'6". Your character is eight, yes eight, inches taller than the average.


Lord of Altera


My point proved exactly. Your character is female. Average height of females nowadays is 5'3".

Let's take that. Let's assume being half-elven adds a generous three inches to your average height.

That is now 5'6". Your character is eight, yes eight, inches taller than the average.
*puts on sunglasses*
Deal with it


Lord of Altera
According to study, people were actually shorter in medieval times than they are today.

From the 10th century through to the 19th, the average height of adult men was 5ft 7in or 170cm - just 2in below today's average.
Women were an average of 5ft 2in or 158cm - just over an inch shorter than today.
All the bones in the study came from the medieval St Peter's Church in Barton upon Humber, North East Lincolnshire.
-The Daily Mail.

Edit: Link to page:


Lord of Altera
Totally agreeing with you.
There's... Just... So many giants. And I'm... I'm so small...


The Mogul of Cromarcky
As a person that is 6'6" in real life, I agree completely with jak here. I have back problems constantly due to my height. Not to mention the fact that many things are not suited for my size. Doorways are one such issue. Chairs are another. I've had to develop what I call "teddy bear-like" mannerisms to counteract the natural intimidating factor that comes with such height. If you are playing an abnormally tall person you need to take into account that it is just as much a flaw as it is a boon.


Settling in Altera
My character Lysle is 5ft 7" (my IRL height) and other than that, I prefer to make characters around 5ft 2" and 5ft 7". I like realistic heights, only one character has been above 5ft 7" but he was a Northerner and stood at 6ft 2"

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Oguk is 7'2ft... but then again Earthspawn are something like 6'8-7'2 so we really have no choice other than being big.


Magus of Nothing
Oguk is 7'2ft... but then again Earthspawn are something like 6'8-7'2 so we really have no choice other than being big.
This is great. Earthspawn should be big. Enormous. If you even try to take on an Earthspawn one-on-one and lack contingencies, you are dead.


The Kingdom Crusher
My character is a giant, but I acknowledge the problems with it. I know about back pain, and that's why my character is an alcoholic; to kill the pain. I'm also aware that their wounds heal slowly and all that. He's also slower and all that. I agree that there should be less giants in the future, though. And the ones that chose to should show more of the disabilities that come with it.