Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Gixx135-application [Declined - Sodium]


1) gixx135
2) 28
3) male
4) United States of America
5) I have read and agree to the Tome of Citizenship
6) I personally have enjoyed RPing in many forms from electronic to table top pen and paper, RP aspects of games only add to the overall enjoyment of any long term played game.
7)Hello all my name is Jon Harris and I am a student of environmental science, I have come to enjoy Minecraft and games like it for there back to core of gaming style of play and enjoyment. I have even got my girlfriend addicted to Minecraft, and she great to watch as she fights off zombies with a arrow instead of a sword lol. I have applied to this server after hearing great things about how its set up and the people that play on it. the med evil rule excites me to no end since it avoids some of the less appealing constructions I have seen on other servers. The north and south aspects of the game make you seem rp wise setting out to the wilds to find what you can not afford or to fulfill that wanderlust that takes a hold of so many explores. The tome of citizenship sets up a nice carefree world for people to play in with out the evils of online gaming. My other intrest are anywhere from rock climbing to playing league of legends. From the video I have seen it would be a honor to join you pilgrims of this new world in creating and developing the places were people would want to adventure and create.
10) Yes


The Lunarch
Hi there, Gixx. In it's current state, there is no way I can accept this application, please use this template and re-do your application, leaving in the questions and writing your answers below them. Also, try not to use bold and underlined text. It very much hurts my eyes. ;)



The Lunarch
This application has been pending improvements for well over a week, and since none have been made, I am going to decline this app. If you still wish to apply, you will need to make a new application using the template found here.