Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

HyperBoy767's Application [Declined - Mikipowah]

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6.I love the roleplaying aspect of this server, it encourages the player to use their
And yes I've had a good few expereances

7. I'm a 17 year old by. I have a part time job as an engineer
I one day hope to be an artist. I live in a friendly town.
Minecraft redstone is something I love to use.
I've met The Yogscast.



10. I knew and I would never use them


King's Hand
1) You didn't answer questions 11&12.
2) Adding the questions help the admins to read your application
3) You need to write more at question 7. Its the most important question, because the admins want to know, if you are able to comunicate and really want to join this server.

Good luck
Tomahawk777 (Ulrych Lonmar)


Official Alteran
I'll skip the prologue this time.
Question 7 Filler Recommendations:

What's your favorite kind of cookie?
What time period would you have thrived best in besides now?
Do you have a role model?
Can you play an instrument (Recorder or Dubstep thingies don't count)?
If you had to dye your hair, what color(s) would you pick?
What accent is your favorite to imitate?

Just a few fun options for how we could know more about you.
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