Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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If you char was part of a modern sub-culture, I.e Punk, Mods, Goths


Lord of Altera
Rose Thoren​
A hipster girl who's way too much into fandoming, yet she enjoys clubbing with friends and getting drunk.​


Lord of Altera
Luisé would be probably the straight A student who always sides with the teachers. If the students could run an organisation to enforce school rules, she would join it as well.


Lord of Altera
Oglub would probably fit in with the barbaric war-lord table on the cafeteria.....and yes they have that in my high school I am lying


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Faelin... Probably rocking back and forth in a padded cell somewhere She would most likely lie in the bizarre blurred area between a tragic introvert and an eccentric enthusiast.
Evelyn would be a quiet and hard-working student.
[Redacted] would be [redacted].


Lord of Altera
I am the Joker!

But at the same time, a weak, innocent man who only wants to be respected...


Magus of Nothing
Czhelk would be that ratty little kid who's always picking fights and annoying people.

Griffo, the likeable midget guy.