Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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In need of a child


Lord of Altera
So this character is going to be my characters brother. If any of you are interested in being this character I'll give you a character profile below. Do not worry about skins whoever becomes the character I'll send you the skin. You are always welcome to add on, or change minor things. Every week I'll come and check on it to make sure that it fits in with my character.

Name: James Baldor
Nickname/Alias: You can do that part if you want
Age: 10
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Build: Shorter than normal, a little less stronger than average.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Skin: Tan
Tattoos/Scars: None (you can change that part if you want)
Distinguishing Features: (you can do that part)
Traits or Blessings: The kid has been blessed as a really fast runner.
Physical Flaws: (You can do that part)
Physical Qualities: (You can do that part)
Clothes: Normally wears ragged clothes
Hygiene: A little under average
Voice: About what you'd here from a little boy.
Family Heritage: None
Object(s) owned of sentimental value:
Worships: Worships Salherana a little bit, but not completely.
Disabilities/Illnesses: (You can do that part)
Intelligence Level: Kind of stupid
Known Languages: Common tongue
Title: Peasant
Political alignment: Good
Sexuality: Straight
Marital Status: Unmarried

Personality: He looks up to his older brother, and tries to be as brave as possible.
Fears/Insecurities/Phobias: The smallest bug will scare the (Insert appropriate word here) out of James
Short Term Goals: (You do that part)
Long Term Goals: (^^)
Alignment: Neutral
Profession: Since he's a child none really.
Hometown: Sunnyside
Current Home(s): Living with his older brother, Albus.

Color: Green
Food/drinks: His mother's home made bread. Aeroch Nor Rockslide (Who gave him that?!?!?)
Animal: Pony (He used to ride his pony all around town)
Activity: Riding his pony
Person: Albus Baldor (He looks up to him)

Least Favorite:
Color: Brown
Food/drinks: (You make that part)
Animal: (^^)
Activity: Picking the wheat on the farm
Person: Unknown name (That does not mean he doesnt have a least favorite he just doesn't know the name)

Backstory: (You are welcome to add more description, fix any errors, etc but the back story is a major part of this character, and I will check in to make sure its fine.)

I was walking home from a carnival with my brother, Albus. Then it happened! About twenty knights came into town. They wore green and white, and looked like the Port Silver army. But when I figured out they weren't the Port Silver army I ran as fast as I could. I realized that the general wasnt paying attention to me. When I got home to tell my parents I figured out that my dad had been killed and that my mother was taken a prisoner. I tried to run away. After half a year of running around in the wilds and eating plants, I found out that I had reached Port Silver. At Port Silver I reunited with my brother Albus, and now I'm living with him in Thundervall.


Lord of Altera
Plus your welcome to make changes, I don't want to force you to do everything my way, you can edit the kid yourself just some edits, might ruin the fact that the character is my brother, and it might force me/you to change your backstory