Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

James_power app [Declined - Sodium]

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Lord of Altera
1. Your Minecraft username:James_power

2. Age:17

3. Gender:male

4. Country:Canada

5. I have red the tome

6. I like role-play I have played D&D quiet a bit so I know my way around a roleplay :p

7. Hi my name is James and I have played minecraft ever since indev and have always been a respectful mature player. I pride myself on building, pvp, and mining knowing almost anything about the game. I also come with some friends with the user name: Pyrocide, 2F_Zelda. I love to play Fps and Moba's and all sorts of different games so not only will I be playing Minecraft but hopefully I will play some other games with the community. I hope you except me because I feel I will be a great asset to the server and hope to gain some friends. Also this server is hopefully a great fit and my alot of my friends who I have played almost forever with on minecraft which is since indev like I mentioned. So yea that it like I said I seriously hope I get excepted and catz meow :p

8. sorry I haz nothing but pyrocide and zelda can /vouch for me

9. Not really

10. I understand

11. through pyrocide and 2f_zelda

12. yes


Lord of Altera
Please include the questions themselves to your application. We don't know them out of our heads.
Also try to tell us more about what you like about RP in question 6.
Besides all of that, try to expand question 7 by telling us more about your life outside of the world of games. We are a close community and we would like to know more about all players.


The Lunarch
This app has been pending improvements for well over a week, and so I am going to decline it. If you are still looking at joining our community, feel free to complete another application.
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