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{Jishrim} Divine Passives


Events Staff
Very Sweet
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Divine Passives
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Those who become Blessed by their Divine will be able to choose from a selection of passives, able to pick one aesthetic and one quirk at each rank of the divine system. These choices are not able to be changed once chosen and applied, and should be written on your divine profiles. Some are not available until T3, and Exalts do not gain one from this thread upon hitting Exalted - That is a custom passive to be discussed with the divine team.

These aesthetics and quirks are available to all tiers of the divine system. You may choose one of each at each rank-up from tiers one through four.​
][ The eyes take on a ring of color about the pupil thematic to their Divine, intensifying in spellcasting or heightened emotional states.​
][ They can make their grin or smile twice as wide as it should be, unnervingly, with their mouth not actually changing upon examination.​
][ They are able to will the inside of their mouth to be entirely black, and void-like. Optionally, glints of red spider eyes can be glimpsed.​
][ Harmless spiders occasionally scurry across them, or out from beneath their clothing.​
][ The eyes can become entirely black either at will, or in certain circumstances (spellcasting, high emotions, adrenaline, etc).​
][ Divine markings thematic to their divine form (in color as well as design) upon the body. This can be as simple as bands around the wrists, or an entire intricate design across the back, left up to the player. Optionally, these markings may glow faintly in colours of their divine.​
][ Their fingers become inky black, nails extending into small claws at will.​
][ With a touch, they are able to disperse any item of food into an equivalent mass of edible insects, at the choice of the blessed. The insects will remain mostly on the platter but naturally some will try to escape.​
][ If they lose an eye, it will regrow over the day into the same eye it used to be.​
][ They gain a stronger grip upon the palms of their hands, making objects more likely to stick to them (such as tankards for size) as well as give them some extra grip in climbing.​
][ They are able to summon spiders that like to linger around them, can be controlled to do mundane things (such as going towards someone, making webs, etc) though cannot be used in combat. Up to the size of a tarantula and up to five at any one time. They vanish into black soot if they are taken out of a ten block radius.​
][ They are able to summon a small ball of kaleidoscopic color that seems to absorb light around it, dimming rooms and extinguishing candles.​

Upon reaching tier three, the following join their respective pools as options to be taken:​
][ Their legs become inspired by an arachnid, losing their feet and gaining another joint. They are flesh and bone, coated in black hairs/furs. They do not provide advantages in climbing or running, but it looks very disturbing.​
][ Venom, poison, infection, and mundane diseases find no purchase on them; they still feel the pain as vibrantly as normal, but they are neither debilitated nor suffer any damage from it.​

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