Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Kallum's Application [Declined-Karasu1996]


Lord of Altera
Minecraft name: Kallum​
Age: 18​
From: Wales, UK.​
Where did you hear of our server? BodeJodel, Kehza, Dogbew, Phoenix_Eden, Whitena and so on so forth.​
Why you would like to join our server:? Recently dropped my own server, we all moved to this one. I wish to follow suite.​
What could you offer to our server? I'm a fun, chatty guy. Very trustworhy, I handled many donators money for months before this to make sure that the server stayed up. I can be creative at times, other times I just like to visit other structures for inspiration.​
What hobbies do you have outside of minecraft? Information Communication Technology and Information Systems, Cigar tasting.​
Tell us about your personality: Self explanitory! Educated, happy, fun, playful. I take pride in my work and like to present myself with a good attitude.​
Are you whitelisted on our RP server? I'm not so sure.​
Do you have any history using the technic pack? No, only SphaxBD 512x.​
Screenshots of your builds: There are just too many to upload. The map was placed over 5 months and is now 8GB in size, this was not all me. The "Anubis Crew" also built much more than I actually did, I was busy moderating everything that was going on all around. I have talent when it comes to photo-manipulation such as Photoshop. Example below, Bodejodels buildings, but my editing.​
I'm afriad I cannot write much more than this, otherwise I will feel like I am tooting my own horn. Please ask specific questions if you wish to know more so that I can expand.



Loyal Servant of Altera
Questions not done properly. Look at manic_miners explanation on the questions


Lord of Altera
Ohh this is nice, all of Anubis is coming over because of the ip posted on Derpsquad...... And i came here to ESCAPE Anubis....


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
I already pointed him to that link, he used the Tekkit application questions I think?

What IP was posted on Derpsquad? Never been on that server... ;)


Lord of Altera
Well, thats good you forgot your own server Kallum. I never met you on there, and I'm happy i didn't. Derpsquad is the ones who introduced Anubis to Hollowworld. Herpd3rp originally planned for only his faction to come to it. I can post a link to your page on Planet Minecraft if need be. :D


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
Ah, you mean the faction. Thought it was a server you were talking about.
MrSidgen invited me here and I asked the other Anubis admins to come to this fun server. No Derpsquad involved for us. Wasn't herpd3rp banned here last week? ;)
I am here to stay!