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League Of Legends Build and Champion Guides


King ForumStalker
A thread for posting builds/champion guides.

A little format for you.

Name: (if you have a name for it, if not just put "[insert champion name here] build"
Champion(s): The champions this build is made or recommended for
Item(s) bought: In order if possible, also if you get to a point where the items you can buy are general, just say things like "attack damage items" or something like that.
Difficulty: How difficult it is to use this build, and how much skill is required to use it effectively (Basic, Intermediate, Hard, Expert, Alpha)
Advantages: What makes this build good?
Disadvantages: What makes this build bad/hard to play?
Ability Order: Order to learn abilities
How to play this build: The most detailed section. Say how the player should use this build when actually playing the game, and try to include as many situations as possible, such as team fights, ganks, laning, etc.


The original mute
Caution, this guide is for experienced players only.

Name: Cho'ball Sno'gath
Champion: Cho'gath
Item purchase sequence:
Catalyst the protector
boots of speed
rod of ages
mejais soulstealer
Sorcerors shoes
Rylais crystal sceptre
Rabadons death cap
Difficulty: Hard
Advantages: if done right kick ass late game, really fun to play, adding more when i get them
Disadvantages: Weak early game, need to get kills or assists to power up.
Ability Order: Any order, i dont care really just get rupture then feral scream
How to play this build: Anyway you want, its just a stupid build for fun.


Legend of Altera
I find this thread highly unnecessary due to the fact that League of Legends, like all other MOBAs, is highly affected by the opponent's team composition and each of those characters skill build and item build. There are also sites dedicated to builds and strategies to character's in League of Legends (champion spotlights as well). I believe builds are just guides to heroes and shouldn't be used in all situations.


Legend of Altera
Nyto Live - LoL Nyto Ashe

Name: Simple Ashe build.
Champion: Ashe
Item purchase sequence:
1. Doran's Blade
2. Boots of Speed
3. Berserker's Greaves
4. BF Sword
5. Cloak of Agility
6. Infinity Edge
7. Vampiric Scepter
8. Zeal
9. BF Sword
10. Bloodthristers
11. Phantom Dancer
12. Zeal
13. BF Sword
14. Black Cleaver
15. Phantom Dancer
Difficulty: It isn't for those who don't know how to get gold when you need it. This costs a lot even for Hawkshot to keep up with.
Advantages: You will be dealing the damage your team needs. Low health champions will die in seconds. If someone is coming at you and you stun them, you will kill them or hurt them so bad they won't want to continue what they started.
Disadvantages: All the bad things that come with playing Ashe will amplify if you are doing this build well. You will be highly targeted and teamfights will be harder to help in if there are burst damage heroes. This build COST A LOT. Last hitting minions is one of the best options in getting gold, and is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED SKILL TO LEARN.
Ability Order:
3.Frost Shot
6.Enchanted Arrow
8.Frost Shot
10.Frost Shot
11. Enchanted Arrow
12. Frost Shot
13. Frost Shot
14. Hawkshot
15. Hawkshot
16. Enchanted Arrow
17. Hawkshot
18. Hawkshot
How to play this build: You have to play this build with absolute care, total map awareness, and a team who know what you can do and will do when the time is right. One with absolute trusts in your ability to play Ashe.


Name: Meta Golem
Champion(s): Skarner
Item(s) bought:
1. cloth armor + 5 health pots
2. Berserker's Greaves
3. Wriggles Latern
4. Sheen
5. Phage
6. Zeal
7. Trinity Force
8. Atma's Impaler
9. Warmogs
10. Frozen Mallet
11. (sell Wriggles Latern) Blood Thirster
Difficulty: Medium
Advantages: Bulky with tons of damage.
Disadvantages: Expensive and does not have power until tri force is finished.
Ability Order:
1. Fracture
2. Cyrstaline Exoskeleton
3. Crystal Slash
4. Crystaline Exoskeleton
5. Crystaline Exoskeleton
6. Impale
7. Crystaline Exoskeleton
8. Crystal Slash
9. Crystaline Exoskeleton
10. Crystal Slash
11. Impale
12. Crystal Slash
13. Crystal Slash
14. Fracture
15. Fracture
16. Impale
17. Fracture
18. Fracture
How to play this build: Jungle. Start at blue then go to wolfs then wraiths then red. From there gank a lane. After that roam and farm jungle. Use smite. Also I use tank runes with a AD mastery page.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Name: Lulu the Fae Machine Gun.
Champion: Lulu
Items: Dorans Blade(Start Item will sell later)
Berserker's Greaves
Wits End
Madreds Bloodrazor
Frozen Mallet
Phantom Dancer
Bloodthirster(if fed like mad if not go with another Phantom Dancer for delicious DPS Action)

Abilities list.
Level Up Whimsy(W) and Help Pix!(E) in succession with the Ults inbetween.
One point in Glitterlance is enough for now unless you know how to hit it.

How to Play.
Dat Passive, at level 18 you gain a free 117 AD thanks to Pix's Homing shots.
abuse it when necessary, and if opponents get to close W them and shoot them with your DPS until dead. with a big boost in attack speed to you should feel like a machine gun.


King ForumStalker
I use this build all the time, except I build slightly different:

Straight into berserker greaves (dagger at start)

Zeal into phantom dancer

Guinsoo's Rageblade if struggling, if not into madreds bloodrazor (start with recurve bow)

Wits end

Black cleaver (that armour pen is insane, and the attack speed bonus is nice too)

Bloodthirster, the life steal will help you match up the the rest of the ad carries like ashe and sivir.


The original mute
Name: Mundo, the nigh unkillable.
Champion: Mundo
Items: in order...
Regrowth pendant
Boots of speed
Warmogs armour
Mercuries treads (for the anti cc)
Warmogs armour
Force of nature (for the health regen ;D)
Warmogs armour
Atmas impaler
Abilities list:
First get cleaver, then if you end up low a lot maschism if not, burning agony. Get your third ability at level three. Then level up cleaver and burning agony . Ultis when you get them ofc.
How to play:
At the start play passive aggressive. If your lane mate tries to chase land a cleaver on their target. Your early role is closer to a supports tank than a tank tank, don't worry though we get to that later. mid game, if you have done ok you should have your first warmogs and tier 2 boots. This is where you roam and tank for people, all the while building into your second warmogs. Late game you should have your second warmogs, and now be either building into either force of nature or your third warmogs. It is at this stage run into team fights and activate your ultimate. Unless the enemy team solely focus you (you should have activated burning agony btw) then they will all be slaughtered.
Advantages: nigh impossible to kill (baron Nasher did no damage to me with all three warmogs)
Disadvantages: weak early game, very expensive, turrets hurt, though not much.
Difficulty: off the charts because of the expenses involved.


Legend of Altera
Name: Mundo, the nigh unkillable.
Champion: Mundo
Items: in order...
Regrowth pendant
Boots of speed
Warmogs armour
Mercuries treads (for the anti cc)
Warmogs armour
Force of nature (for the health regen ;D)
Warnings armour
Atmas impaler
Abilities list:
First get cleaver, then if you end up low a lot macho ism, if not, burning agony. Get your third ability at level three. Then level up cleaver and burning agony together. Ultis when you get them ofc.
How to play:
At the start play passive aggressive. If your lane mate tries to chase land a cleaver on their target. Your early role is closer to a supports tank than a tank tank, don't worry though we get to that later. mid game, if you have done ok you should have your first warmogs and tier 2 boots. This is where you roam and tank for people, all the while building into your second warmogs. Late game you should have your second warmogs, and now be either building into either force of nature or your third warmogs. It is at this stage run into team fights and activate your ultimate. Unless the enemy team solely focus you (you should have activated burning agony btw) then they will all be slaughtered.
Advantages: nigh impossible to kill (baron Nasher did no damage to me with all three warmogs)
Disadvantages: weak early game, very expensive, turrets hurt, though not much.
Difficulty: off the charts because of the expenses involved.
There are a lot of mistakes here.


The original mute
Mercury Treads*

Warnings armour?


There are plenty of wikis, my friend. At least, make an effort to know how to spell. :) Also I'm pretty sure Amumu counters Mundo. :)
And tell me why I should REDO it? Yeah I posted this at 12 last night on my iPad so mistakes are to be noticed. But everyone gets the picture.


Legend of Altera
Not the build. Chill. Let's be adult about this. You made some mistakes and I'm pointing it out. I meant to just have to second sentence in that comment. I just wanted you to fix the mistakes. I was just joking around about the demanding.


King ForumStalker
Bloody hell lets just both take a damn chill pill here.

Nyto, thanks for pointing out the mistakes.

Mat, its your discretion as to whether you fix the guide of spelling or not, if you prefer I can edit it and fix the spelling if you want.
Name: Charming Nine-Tails.
Champion(s): Ahri, The Nine-Tailed Fox.
Item(s) bought:
Not Mana Hungry Ahri: | Mana-Hungry Ahri:
Boots of Speed + 3 Health Pots. | Sapphire Crystal + 2 Health Pots.
Sorceres Boots. | Catalyst.
Catalyst. | Sorceres Boots.
From here, my item builds are the same.
Rod Of Ages.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter.
Morello's Evil Tome.
Rabadon's Deathcap.
Will Of The Ancient.
Also, when you first go back to build Sorceres or Catalyst, don't forget to bring 2 wards and pots with you. Ward the river entrances so that they can't gank you. With every return to base, bring 2 wards with you until the 15 minute mark.
Difficulty: The Difficulty varies. People who can't play without not getting mana-hungry, this build will not work for you. DO NOT BUILD RABADONS FIRST. 30% of all of Ahri's AP goes to abilities. 70% are just wasted.
Advantages: More health and Mana. Abilities are up earlier. Epic True Damage on Orb Of Deception.
Disadvantages: You don't have loads of Ability Power. This build is for Summoner's Rift, not Crystal Scar.
Ability Order:
1.Orb Of Deception. | 2.Charm.
3.Fox-Fire. | 4.Orb Of Deception.
5.Orb Of Deception. | 6.Spirit Rush
7.Orb Of Deception. | 8. Charm.
9.Orb Of Deception. | 10.Charm.
11.Spirit Rush. | 12.Charm.
13.Charm. | 14.Fox-Fire.
15.Fox-Fire. | 16.Spirit Rush.
17.Fox-Fire. | 18.Fox-Fire.
How to play this build: You are the mid champion. Ahri can be build for duo or AD, but AP is the most optimal one. Get Flash and Ignite for summoner spells.. You should not spam your abilities. Once you landed your charm succesfully, use Orb Of Deception and Fox-Fire to build an advantage. Keep your ult up for killing the enemy when they flee or for ganks. Try to be the assassin of your team, don't dash in if it is 2v5. Being the one who cleans up the kills should be you. Ahri can be easily fed. Do not go into a teamfight as the commiter. People will focus you so that you can't use your charm. If you play against LeBlanc, Kassadin or any other high-damage champion with a blink/teleport, do not waste your mana. If you can't land your charm, it will be useless to use your other abilities too. The Ancient Golem Buff is your best friend. If you have a jungler on your team, ask if they can give you the blue in the beginning. Start aggression on level 3 or 6, depending how good your early game is. Don't forget to last hit minions. Once you have build Rod Of Ages, Sorceres Shoes, Rylai's Crystal Scepter and Morello's, you can try to be more aggressive. Target squishy champions in the late game with charm.
Matyio, you should try to make the builds more organized. It's a little difficult to see because it's all under each other.. (Its just a suggestion..)