Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Be sure to "Get Whitelisted" to join the community on server!

  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Logan Wolsey_Whitelist Application [Declined-Tang]]

1. Your Minecraft username:Short_Bus_Driver
2. Age: 15
3. Gender: Male
4. Country: Canada

5. Do you agree to read our Survival Guide before joining, and use our Tome of Citizenship to look up any questions you might have. Do you also agree to consult these two guides before asking any questions ingame or on the forums ?
Yes I agree to both
6. How do you feel about the 'roleplay' aspect of our server? Do you have any experience roleplaying?
I have been on one or two roleplaying servers one Rome themed and the other greek
7. Please introduce yourself to the community; explaining who you are, your interests / hobbies and why you are here in around 8 sentences. You don't have to disclose personal information if you don't want to, but we'd just like to know what kind of person you are.
I live in canada im in highschool my interests include playing trumpet computer programming and doing gymnastics.
8. If you have examples of your work please attached them to this post using the "upload a file" button or link to the image or video.

9. Is there anything else you wish to share with us?

10. Are you aware that the use of black magic (xray,xray texture packs and ore locator mods) is not allowed on our server, and a banishable offense?
yes i will not use any of the black magic listed above
11. How did you find out about our server?
i found out through google while i was looking for a medieval roleplaying server
12. Have you voted for us?
No but if i enjoy this server I will right away


The White Mage
7. Please introduce yourself to the community; explaining who you are, your interests / hobbies and why you are here in around 8 sentences. You don't have to disclose personal information if you don't want to, but we'd just like to know what kind of person you are.
I live in canada im in highschool my interests include playing trumpet computer programming and doing gymnastics.
Just to say, could you possibly expand on question 7 please? Otherwise it's highly unlikely that a moderator will accept your application! Good luck! :)


Sparkly purple member of the team
No. Just no...

*Alaila pulls her hair*

8 sentences. 8 sentences at least letting us know what kind of person you are.