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[Lore in progress] Northern Culture


King's Hand
The last days, I started to write down the lore for the Northern Culture, which will mostly be around the House Lonmar. Me and some others have worked out a brainstorm list the last weeks.
I decided to let you see the progress of the lore from the very beginning.
For this I created Wiki page called "Northern Culture", where I will write the whole lore down.

If you like to write something about the Nord lore, you can just write it on the Wiki page (I can always fix, edit or roll it back).​
Of course you can also PM me with your ideas, suggestions and opinions.​
Or just write it down here in the thread.​
To give you an idea of the Northern Culture, it will be a mix of Stark (GoT), Nords (Skyrim), Viking (Real Life) and Rohan (LotR).​
And last, here is the brainstorm list, me and my team (that's sound so professional) made:​
Brainstorm list:​
  • beards
  • battleaxes (longaxes)
  • applications for the culture
  • rough jokes
  • own old god(s), maybe nature gods
  • beer
  • good warriors
  • behaving against other races?
  • loyal and free
  • coldness isnt a problem
  • southerners are just the kids of weaker nords..
  • we were longer here
  • sometimes reckless (mostly in battles)
  • hate any magic
  • blessings are rare
  • better resistence against non-physical magic (maybe needs the ok from lore team)
  • an obsession for beef
  • warmer blood to resist cold better
  • closer to Dwarfs than Elves (dont hate elves)
  • horses are little, like ponies (only at the coast)
  • funeral pyre
  • fire and ice (dragon and great warrior) as gods instead of the common gods
  • only magic from members of the "Temple of Ice and Fire" is accepted
  • these mages are limited and have to pass a hard applications process
  • only peaceful use of this magic, no use in wars
  • viking styled temples
  • silk isn't worn by nords
  • two "subcultures":
    One would be Viking/Nords, living at the coast and fight on ships, they would also be a bit more vikingish on their acting (shit on tactics, we just attack them!).
    The others are Rohan/Stark, living in the inland and fight on horse (for you Draco!), they are more civilised and tactical (more politican, then raging warrior).
  • names for the "subcultures"


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Perhaps not a hate for all magic, just a strong, strong dislike towards 'lesser' magics. Such as, they specialize in one field, or perhaps they just learn one field, and absolutely refuse to disgrace themselves by learning any other. Perhaps for religious reasons?


King's Hand
Yes, already had something like that in mind,
The priest of their Fire and Ice temples using Ice and Fire magic, but not as weapons, only for rituals.


Lord of Altera
"To give you an idea of the Northern Culture, it will be a mix of Stark (GoT), Nords (Skyrim), Viking (Real Life) and Rohan (LotR)."

I just love how that makes life sound like a game :D


We demons of our solemn hour
*grows a beard again*
Look I am a nord!
(Seriously. .. These aspects fit Jeroxia perfectly)