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Messenger Birds


We demons of our solemn hour
Noctures... Small birds capable of carrying letters to any place they have been.
Their average speed is about as fast as a Falcon

Tail Colours differ per bird. . Most Common is red tail and black body


Retired Staff
Guys, guys.

We pull a Douglas Adams. Throw the message at the ground and miss. It won't hit the ground, but instead swoop off until someone catches it.



Good idea, Rox.
Lets use messenger dinosaurs.
It'll work! Your sat down, having a good RP, then throw a letter out the window, it lands on a T-Rex that will send the letter for you.


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
An easier option could be a parrot; you could send messages without having to write them!
I sniped you weeks ago on the parrots in my lore Yoda!
The wind thrusted the The Hammer forwards, slicing through the waves. It was much faster than the other ships in the fleet, even while it only had half of its sails set. Contact with the other ships was realized by using notes strapped to trained, strange birds he had never seen before. Some of them could actually talk, but most of it was foul language they picked up from the crew.

One evening, when he heard the sea parrots -that's what the strange talking birds the sailors used for sending messages were called- making a racket in their pens, he got an idea. The next morning, he asked the sailors who kept the birds as pets where they would fly to if they would break out of their cages. "To Port Silver, Daggerfall, Stormhold and beyond mylord. They are a migrant species, capable of surviving almost everywhere. They can and will fly for days. They sleep on the water and feed on both land and sea. " He asked them if he could have the birds. The sailors reluctantly gave up their pets, after some "shiny encouragements" were handed out.
Lord August went to the only blacksmith, who was actually a goldsmith back in the days, to make dozens of tiny metal hammers. The handles of the hammers were hollow and could be opened by unscrewing the head.

The next morning -the goldsmith had been working all night- he unscrewed the hammer heads and in the handles, he placed a tiny piece of paper with a drawing of an island. He also inserted some tiny nails in the handle. A hammer and an island with spikes... Lord August smiled. {they will know what it means...}
He tied the tiny hammers to all the parrot's legs using diamond yarn so even the parrot's powerful beaks would not be able to remove them.
While the sun was at it's highest point, Lord August climbed the stone peaks and had the cages brought to him. He opened them one by one, following every bird with his eyes until he could not see it anymore before releasing the next one. Each one flew in another direction, as if they knew where to go. By the time the sun kissed the endless ocean, the last bird was given back his freedom.

Every following morning, noon and evening, the lord climbed the stone peaks and overlooked the ocean if he would see his friends. Even if only one of them came back... he would be happy....