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Midnight Reading (Forum RP)


Settling in Altera
((Forum RP, everyone feel welcome to join in. I'd hate to do this alone.))
((Theme music:

Lysle had spent many hours wandering the library, book after book after book. He couldn't find the answer, nothing. What was going on? the hallucinations, the cloudy memories, they were driving him insane. He remembered seeing a landmass slowly sink in the horizon, and then something.. but what.. a flash of light, the screams of dying men and.. nothing. Here he was, he barely had a memory of where he came from, how he got here and who he was. It had taken time for some memories to resurface, his past life in the criminal underworld, his wife and children, but not much else he could remember. The footsteps of other midnight readers could be heard, but not too many. Around his desk lay a host of books from all sections of the library, but none carried information that he looked for. He slammed the book shut, the book was of little worth and held no information he had been looking for. He looked around, the noise of the slam had echoed, he decided to calmly place it on his pile of books and rest his head on the table, maybe some sleep can clear his mind.


Loyal Servant of Altera
A man, upon hearing the sound of a book slamming, decided to investigate its source. Cloaked in red and gold, he toted his elegant cane as he walked along the isles of books. He had come that night for a bit of light reading, and maybe to look upon certain manuscripts capable of giving his access to copious amounts of... secrets.

What kind of secrets? You may never know, but what you will know is that he was approaching the area where Lysle was. Then, from a corner not too far from him, Drowan peered around.


Lord of Altera
Andrew, who spent most of the night reading books about certain aspects of life, philosophy and geography, was surprised to even know someone was in there! He had quickly but carefully taken the candle, and - while fixing his silver monocle tiptoed downstairs very quietly. {What kind of person would be in the library at such time? Only me, or Howard...} He chuckled a little, still being careful, he looked at his sheathed longsword, and then glanced over to see where the sound was.


Settling in Altera
He walked into a forest clearing, a solitary tree stood flanked by rocks. He dared not go closer, something felt familiar but different, he heard the quiet giggle of a woman, he knew that woman. He quickly ran into the clearing, turning in every direction he saw no sight of her, no sight of his wife. He heard it again, the giggle, he turned to the sound but nothing, then behind him, again, nothing. Over and over he heard it, never finding anything, it was driving him mad, he clenched his fists and held them over his ears before shortly falling to his knees. He held his eyes closed for a brief moment and upon re-opening his eyes, he saw a man in armor, a lifetime friend or so he thought. Velwyn stood towering over him, zweihander unsheathed and in one fell sweep he brought it down on Lysle.

Lysle awoke in a sweat and puffing, he swallowed the build-up of saliva in his mouth and looked around to see if he had slept long, but seemingly not. He stood up and quickly moved away without looking where he was going, thus kicking the small wooden chair over and he himself tripping. He held out his hands to soften his landing and quickly got back up, without even a glance back he began to walk out of the study with a quickening pace.


Lord of Altera
{What am I doing in a place like this?} She thought closing a book and placing it back on the shelf. Vexille had never really been one for books, but it was still good to keep up on a few things or look for new poisons to try and make. Sighing as she slid her hand off the binding of the book she looked around. Then sound of something crashing of deeper in the study caught her pointed ears. Turning her head toward where she thought the sound came from. Looking back at the books before brushing her hands on her cloak. She started making her way out of the study toward the sound of the crash. If she wasn't the only one here this late, besides the late night readers that she had seen coming in, she wanted to know who it was.


Lord of Altera
Berrit woke up, the same dream haunting his slumber. He rubbed his forehead, then slowly got up. What looked like scrolls surrounded him, along with quills and ink pots, with a thin wooden door in front of him. The Halfling gently pushed it open, and was greeted by a magnificent library, with shelves and shelves, all full of large, leather bound books.
"I must of been sleep walking again..." He murmurs to himself. With a sigh, he walks forward, to find either a way out or other people.


Settling in Altera
Lysle walks around a corner, almost stumbling into Drowan. Lysle looks up to Drowans face. Lysles own face has dried blood that had slowly trailed down from his scalp, his hair on his head is visibly ridden with dried blood.

"Ah, my apologies Drowan. What are you doing here this late?"


Loyal Servant of Altera
"Nothing that you need to know..." Drowan then noticed the dried blood clumping Lysle's hair together, as well as trailing down his face. "I assume you have been... Busy?"


Lord of Altera
Vexille walks closer to the front of the study her hand brushing against books to her right. Turning her head ever so often to make sure there is still is something there. Having lost sight in her right eye, it was something that had just grown into a habit. Hearing voices not to far off she slows down her pace and listens as close as she can to anything they talk about while still being in the maze of book cases.


Settling in Altera
"Mhmm, some religious fanatics didn't like the fact I don't worship their 'kind' Gods so in an act of friendship and good mateship, they knocked me unconscious, dragged me across the city and dumped me in a prison cell and threatened to torture me. If they believe that will get me to follow their Gods, they are wrong, it only makes me feel more resent for them. My Gods are not so cruel, lest a man be deserving of it. Now, after saying that I'm either waiting for another blow to the head or you're not so cruel. So tell me, will I be dragged to prison again?"


Loyal Servant of Altera
"Well, even if I wanted to, that's Inquisition business. Apparently, only they can deal with heretics, dismissing the common man as unable to fend for himself. Though in all honesty, I don't really care if you don't worship the Gods or not... Let the true deity decide what to do with heretics. Now then, unless it is a fight you are wishing for with that sort of tone, would you tell me why is it that you would be perusing the collection at this hour?"


Settling in Altera
"You yourself are unwilling to divulge in what you seek and likewise, I am unwilling."

Lysle stretches his neck and quickly rubs his only eye while grimacing.

"I need proper sleep, now if you don't mind me I'll be on my way."

He begins to march off without further warning, hurrying down the hall. He turns his head to a study lit up by a candle to see Vexille with her blinded right eye. He stops and chuckles to myself.

"In what cruel joke did the Gods have in store to have me find you?" He spoke up to her.

((I made that on the basis it is often noticeable when someone is blind in both or one eye(s). If I'm incorrect and you're one of those people that isn't physically noticeably blind, lemme know and I'll retract that RP.))


Lord of Altera
Vexille turns so she can see him as she takes a step back. It was just one of those times where she hated being blind in one eye. People could always walk up from the right and she would never see them. Taking a seconded to look over him before speaking. "I'm sorry. Am I a person that you don't want to meet?" Her tone is soft but slightly cold and offended.

Edit: (Vexille just has a cloth wrapping going over her right eye so it is very noticeable)


Settling in Altera
"No, I just thought it humorous the situation we both face" And with that Lysle crudely pokes his finger against the empty right eye socket of his own face. "We're both blind in the same place. Now, how did you manage to achieve your blindness?"


Lord of Altera
"Bandit hunting...Not the cleanest line of work, but its what pays for food.." She reaches up and presses her hand against the cloth that wraps over her eye. The soft feeling of the eye under it just serves as a reminder it will never work again. "And yourself?"


Settling in Altera
"I'm not too sure, the memory isn't very clear. I only remember the feeling of desperation and hearing the cries of a woman. None of my memory is very clear to be exact except for a few choice events." Lysle thought it better she didn't know the very reason he lost his eye was due to him being a thief and some Knights didn't like that. Although what he said was true, the cries of a woman was his wife giving birth in the next room while he was held down and eye torn from socket. "The Gods seem to like their cruel jokes in regards to me. I've seen and heard many readers tonight, more than usual, perhaps you'll let me know why you're here at this hour? I myself have no home, so it was a simple choice, spend my night studying until I fall asleep at the desk, or starve in the gutter."


Lord of Altera
She looks at him with a small hint of sadness. "I'm just here to learn a few more poisons. Mixing them together is something I'm still new to." Moving her hand away from her eye, she lets it fall to her side. Her fingers running over the needles that lay hidden under her cloak. Looking at him with her gray blue eye. "May I ask what you do as a living then if you don't have a place to call home? Most jobs would at least make enough for a home..."


Lord of Altera
Berrit keeps one hand on the wall at all time until he came to the two people, not realising they were in conversation:
"Ah, thank goodness someone else is here. I was beginning to get worried. Say, where is this, anyways?"


Lord of Altera
Vexille turns her head so she can see him in her left eye. "Its a study. I thought someone who could walk in here would know where their feet were taking them..." She says in a slightly colder tone then she meant to. Her right hand still feeling the few needles under her cloak.


Settling in Altera
"I have no job. I was once a tailor but I no longer have the equipment and money I need for the foundations of a business." Lysles face never showed any emotion, as though he was now used to a hard life, only a weak and fading smile remained on his lips. As Berrit intrudes on the conversation, Lysle quickly turns about as though he were going to defend himself from an attack from behind, seeing only the short man his tense body eases. "Greetings little one."