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Midnight Reading (Forum RP)


Lord of Altera
Berrit smiles at the man, before turning to the lady. "I must have been awfully tired when I came in. But I agree, it does seem a little strange. Ah well, can't dwell on the past for too long." He turns to the marvellous display of books, his expression turning suddenly darker. Seemingly forgetting the two people are there, he murmurs something about wind and dreams. Then he wandered off, his eyes tracing the spines of the books.


Lord of Altera
Vexille watches the small man walk off. "What odd people you run into in the dead of night." Shaking her head a little, she looks back at him. "So if you don't have a job. Then how do you feed yourself then. There are a lot of ways to make money but its all still needed to survive."


Settling in Altera
"I find what I can, it isn't the first time I've lived on the streets or on the road." Lysle turns back around to face her. "If I had seen some flyers for a job or even people asking for workers, I would have already raised my hand but I have not found such as of yet. I never quite got your name..?"


Lord of Altera
"Well, if I ever see any open work I will be sure to let you know there is some. And my name is Vexille. I know its an odd name, but I cant complain. Its a hard name to forget sometimes." She smiles a little and holds out her hand. "And yours?"


Settling in Altera
Lysle smiles back but even then there is a hidden sadness behind his eyes. He takes her hand and shakes it firmly and states "I am Lysle Rigger, Ms. Vexille, and I must say your hair reminds me of long forgotten childhood memories." He takes back his hand and folds his arms, unknowing to him the wristband on his right wrist falls back, revealing the top of a scarred brand-mark in his flesh. "You're Elven, correct? Where is it you call home?"


Lord of Altera
She eyes it but says nothing. "Yes, I am elvish, but of my home I have few memories. So sadly I can not tell much of it." She moves her hand back to her side and again outline one of the needles under her cloak. "You don't hold anything against my kind do you?" Her tone a little softer but still with a slight edge.


Settling in Altera
"No, my wife was of Elven kind. She left me for dead though and since then I haven't heard from her or seen her. You could say my feelings hold a grudge against her, but not of Elven kind, I once had many friends hailing from the forests". His posture relaxes much more and he watches her with a curiosity.


Lord of Altera
"Sounds like she held no honor if she left you for dead...And I understand your grudge against her. Still it is nice to hear that you do not hold things against the elves. We have enough who may dislike us." She says a little sadly. Moving her left hand up to some books and brushing the dust off them. "Still...why do you say "once had many friends hailing from the forests." Did something happen?"


Settling in Altera
"I don't remember much, all I know is that those I once considered friends tried to kill me and only very few still stood by my side." He shuffles his feet in his discomfort of where the conversation led, he unfolds his arms and tucks his thumbs between waist and belt, the wristband falling back down to hide the scar on his right wrist. "Perhaps I should get going."


Lord of Altera
"Hmmm...Sorry if this is weird, but why did they try to kill you. I will understand if you don't remember but it still interests me and so does that mark on your arm..." She slides her left hand behind her back and holds it there while her right hand stops tracing the needles.


Settling in Altera
"I don't remember much but that I do remember, although it is a story for another night. The scar goes with the story, it is the beginning of the story and likely it will be my ending." Lysle clicks his tongue just as his wife would always do, he then turns on his feet and continues down the hallway without candle or torch in hand, moving into the darkness alone. Once he thinks he is alone, he whispers comfortably to himself "Shadows hide you".


Lord of Altera
((Sorry to derail this more. But this would probably be more in the rp general then crown. Just my two cents.))


Settling in Altera
((The forums need a clean up, Roleplay Discussion sounds like OOC, so I posted it here since "Crown of Altera" sounded more global RP rather than discussion of RP))


Lord of Altera
((Really I think forum rps need their own place so they are easy to find, but I do see how you thought that and agree.))


Lord of Altera
(well now is your chance. Just pick a spot to be and Im sure someone will find you.)


Lord of Altera
(Not too much has happened. Berrit (me) has awoken, and made himself known to Lysle and Vexille, who are having a chat. Lysle and Drowan have met.)