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Midnight Reading (Forum RP)


Settling in Altera
((There isn't anything important that you need to know, just small private chats with everyone and otherwise we're just going about our business still. Lysle is walking alone in the darkness at the moment.))


Lord of Altera
2013-04-30_22-03-21_946 - Copy.jpg
The flickers of a flame appear in the entrance of the Royal Library, joined by the sound of hoofs. The clops echo through the library, like books falling from their shelves. As they draw closer to the middle of the library a snickering and screeching can be heard, even scratching echoes through the dead silent library.

"Idz dun diz way" a screeching voice says, Followed by a grunt and a huff, drastically deeper than the first voice.

Willow casually follows his guide who scuttles just out of reach from his torch's light. They head down a section of the library, searching for history books. The guide 'Alpha' as he likes to refer to himself scrambles slightly further ahead, deeper into the darkness that consumes the library.

Willow hears a quiet bump against fabric, and the voice of his guide screeching "agh!" the little Greyling rolls back into the light of the torches and continues with his screeching "bah! idz yew! Kneel befur me! Alpha takka!". Willow sighs with a huff from his nostrils, he steps closer to see who 'Alpha' had managed to bump into. The flickering light just manages to light the face from his distance, it was a face he knew, but he just couldn't put his finger on it.​
'Alpha' screeches at the man "yew stupid. rigger iz yew!"​


Settling in Altera
"Mhmm, yes, I am stupid and Rigger is me." He speaks with an unenthusiastic and patronizing manner. He looks up and covers his eyes at the light, he had been wandering in the darkness alone for awhile and his eyes grown accustomed to the darkness. "What is it you two are doing here at this hour?" he asks the Caparii, while holding a tome under his right arm and his left hand on his hip.


Lord of Altera
Willow pulls the torch away from his face a bit in order to see Mr. Rigger clearer. He grumbles a bit before he speaks in a deep pitch, as if thinking whilst he talked "Just looking for books. uh, Supposedly they are the best way to learn. 'Alpha' here agreed to help me read the books." his words sound meaningful, however a frown of curiosity grows on his face as he begins to think.

"hm... and what might you be doing here Mr. Rigger? I wouldn't Imagine a man who happens to be banished from a tavern, to come to a place of learning. What do you seek from these, 'books'?"


Settling in Altera
"The tavern was just an unfortunate event, none of my fault. The reason for my being here is private business. Was there something specific you wanted with me?" he pays no attention to the Caparii as he addresses him, he occupies himself with his book, placing it carefully in his satchel and once done he had finished his sentence and looked to the beast with a curiosity. He tucked his thumbs between belt and waist and waited for the response.


Lord of Altera
Willow smirked slightly as he watches Mr. Rigger busy himself with his book. As Mr. Rigger looked towards him he spoke "huh, the civilized are ever so interesting. Your determination... What is it that drives you about this book? ah! Maybe a doe" finishing his deep words, Willow's face still appears just as curios as before.


Settling in Altera
"A doe?" He frowns at him, obviously not understanding what message he is conveying. "It is a personal diary. Very personal. Now, may I continue walking or will Alpha chew me alive?"


Lord of Altera
After finishing her talk with the other blind man. Vexille lets her hand drop from her back and to her side again. "People never seem to surprise me with how weird they can be." She mumbles as her right hand continues to trace the needle tied around her leg. Turning and looking at the books again she sighs. Placing her right hand against the wall she starts to walk again. Not really sure where to go now, but soon finding herself back where she started. In front of the few books about different toxins and how they affect the body.

Taking a few of them from the shelf and placing them in a small bag on her back. She turns and heads back the way she thinks leads to the front of the study and the way out. "I have been in this dusty place for way to long now.." She thinks as she walks. Her right hand against the wall as she walks once more.


Lord of Altera
Willow smiles at Mr. Rigger, almost sympathetically before walking past him with torch in hand, without a word. 'Alpha' watches Willow for a moment before scuttling into the receding light of Willow's torch.

The two wander into the distance, the only light getting further and further away. They stop and 'Alpha' proceeds to climb up the massive shelf pulling books from their places and carelessly dropping them, whilst Willow bellow catches them frantically, tossing the collection to a nearby table.