Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Be sure to "Get Whitelisted" to join the community on server!

  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Mikestrope App. [Declined - Sally]

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Hello Hollow world! My Minecraft username is Abc123Easy
I have just turned 13 years old in the month of April.
I am the Gender of Male.
And I live in the United States of America

I agree to read all sections of the Survival Guide and the Tome of Citizenship. I also agree to consult these two Guides before I ask questions on the Server or Forum.

For the role play aspect of the server I view it as a fun unique way for people to have different oppurtunities to see what they can do & explore. I have no role play experience ,but got reccomended a roleplay server and this looked most interesting.

Hi community i'm Abc123Easy (I would not like to give personal info such as my real name). I am mostly athletic I really have a passion for soccer and football. My hobbies are mostly the sports I just named and I also love my other siblings and baby sitting all of them. I want to join this community because I want to learn from fellow people just like myself.=)

I'm most sorry that I have no proof in my work that I have made.

I love to play Adventure maps. (The redmurk mystery is one of my favorites.)

I am aware that there shall be no X-ray or ore finders or anything to help enhance the gameplay of this Minecraft Role playing server.

I was just looking around on the internet looking for role playing servers because I wanted to see if I would like to come and see one and what there like.

I have just voted for your server and will do ASAP whenever I can again!

This has been my Hollow World whitelist application and hope you accept it!


Sparkly purple member of the team
Please add the questions ( or at least their number) to your application.
Also, I noticed that you struggled with question number 7 and we really want to get to know your personality a bit better before making a decision, so here is a list of questions for you, chose a couple.

1- What is your dream job and why?
2- Describe your perfect vacations.
3- How well do you work in a team?
4- What do people like more about you?
5- Do you have any pets?
6- You have a free afternoon and there is a power outage. What will you spend the next 4 hours doing?
7- What is your favorite book/movie/tv show.
8- If you could have a super power, which would you chose and why?

Have fun!


Lord of Altera
Hasn't replied in more that 5 days, I'm sorry I'll have to decline. Please try reapplying and make sure to fix up your application :D
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