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Misinterpretation of "gold".


The Arbiter of the Gods
Many of you probably smell another form of rant... Well... It's more of a clarification of the use of gold back in Medieval times.

You see, in Medieval times gold was used more often than now, which may seem obvious to you. However, that still didn't mean gold was the only form of currency.
Altera is lucky enough to be using just Radiants (off the top of my head, doubloons, crowns, thalers and ducats were the popular currencies, usually gold, in most countries of Europe... used all at the same time!), which we assume to be golden. However, gold is rare in Minecraft, and even despite its lack of applications as a material, it'd be appreciated as perfect coins. That means that it wouldn't be used for buying a loaf of bread.

Assumption that Radiants would always be golden is wrong.

That is why I go with the most basic "100 copper = 1 silver, 10 silver= 1 gold". It'd be too extreme to say 100 silver is 1 gold.

So basically, I'd say one Radiant is copper, 100 Radiants is a single silver Radiant and 1000 Radiants would be a Gold Radiant. It's not something to use in actual payment, but it's useful for RP, and being aware that a single golden Radiant is an awful lot of money.



Lord of Altera
That is why I go with the most basic "100 copper = 1 silver, 10 silver= 1 gold". It'd be too extreme to say 100 silver is 1 gold.
*Twitches* World of Warcraft...100 Silver was always 1 gold, made it more money-wise...

Also, I believe he's trying to get to the point that with money, you can create more immersion by actually interpreting the representation of gold as a rarer material, therefore using more common materials to build up to this rare material. I think

Anyhow, I like it Polo :p


The Arbiter of the Gods
Yeah... That could be my next rant... The need of rant section.
But yah, Seth got it. A lot of people assume that Medieval currency was only gold, but the idea is that a huge portion of population wouldn't even see a proper gold coin, or much gold (outside a church... They always had plenty >_>) at all during their entire courses of lives.

And that was written when I was tired... Probably didn't make myself clear enough :p