Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!


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1. Your Minecraft username:mlw2350
2. Your real name:Dalton
3. Age:14
4. Gender:male
5. Country:USA
7.I feel good about the roleplay part of the server, but I am not that bad. I have some expirance roleplayings (but I learn fast).
8.I am a hardcore minecraft player and do survivals on my server alot. I also play happy wheels. I have a i7 quad core computer. I some-times fly R.C. airplanes. I am fairly good with computers and am good at parkor. (in games and real life) I am also interested in space and tecnology. I am exeling in school and very smart at evaluating solutions to problems. I have some experiance with redstone ( I am better with pistons ) I also built a 8*8 printer on my server and thats it!
9. Look at uploaded files
10. TWS1 is one of my frineds.
11. Yes
12. My friend TWS1 invited me to this server.
13. Yes




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Please add all of questions on your first post.
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