Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Natrizi'man Crow (Bird Lore Preposal)


Lord of Altera
Introduction: A crow that migrates to the Northern Kingdoms for the winter, from the swamps in the south

Name: The name Natrizi'man comes from the Corrupted Elven town of Natrizi'ma where the crow is used by nobles as pets

Appearance: Rather rounded in shape, with warm brown feathers speckled and striped with white, this bird appears little out of the ordinary.

Size: The size of a average crow

  • They're always white
  • They flaps more due to the moisture of the swamps been unsuitable for gliding
  • They thus have better stamina
Climate: They're found in swamps around Altera they migrate to warmer swamps when the swamps down south get to cold.
Rarity:Somewhat common

Lifetime: The birds live about 5 years and lay their eggs in the season of decay, they hatch in the season of birth

Caw. Caw. Caw.