Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

[Needed] Temp Corrupted Elves for a Violent RP event in the near future


Lord of Altera
I can't tell you much​
but you can be expecting a violent and fun rp if you choose to take​
a few hours of your time to play as.... wait for it. A Corrupted Elf.​
Basically what is happening is that you'll be playing as a Foot-solider of the Natrizi'ma Militia​
I also need a person to rp as a Harlequin guard for Andras.​
So yeah knock yourself out, those who say they will join will be added to a convo as soon as the​
event is put together. :)
Note RP skills and PVP skills are needed.​
To Join:​
Name: [Name] Tel'Natrizi'ma​
Desired Position:​
do you require a skin or can you get one yourself?:​


Lord of Altera
IGN: spagbog
Name: Lekza Tel'Natrizi'ma
Age: Appears 24.
Desired position: I don't mind. Harlequin guard or just normal.
Do you require a skin?: Yes.


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
This is assuming the Paladins, House Arcturus or any other follower-of-Harateth faction isn't involved in this violent RP.​
IGN: You know this already. angryboy2k11​
Name: Gal'tar Tel'Natrizi'ma​
Age: 20​
Desired Position: Any, I'm not THAT bothered.​
do you require a skin or can you get one yourself?: I'll need you to make me a skin, I'm not good at it myself.​


Lord of Altera
IGN: Sadko12345
Name: [Name]Mar'quan Tel'Natrizi'ma
Age: 21
Desired Position: You can find a good position for me :)
do you need a skin or you can get one for yourself: Can i please get the skin? ;-;


Lord of Altera
If this hasn't already happened.
IGN: gamemonster55
Name: Lenwe Tel'Natrizi'ma
Age: 24
Desired Position: A solider?
do you require a skin or can you get one yourself?: Hmmm..... I'll require one