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Ngodre'r Spech


The Kingdom Crusher
Yeah, there was a big problem with my group having a language too. Something about "complicating things" or something.


Magus of Nothing
I'm a Harmaa member and yet don't want this language. It will eventually identify me as a Grief Worshipper, something a smart greyling doesn't want to happen.

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Not all languages have to be race related. Why are people complaining it is good for RP and adds more mystery to the group.
If you don't like it, don't use it, nobody is forcing you to.
If it wasn't a common thing, no one would care. Just everyone seems to have their own language. Plus his own organisations members do not want it. Being a higher ranking Harmaa member I have the right to express me disagreeing with the Organisations choice.

-Keeper of the greys of Harmaa people xD- Just voicing his opinion


Lord of Altera
*Keeper of the blades of grey..

And I don't know any other organisations, except the Engems that have a seperate language..

This language is meant for unity, but also by ceremonies like burials, celebration etc.

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
*Keeper of the blades of grey..

And I don't know any other organisations, except the Engems that have a seperate language..

This language is meant for unity, but also by ceremonies like burials, celebration etc.
But : "Keeper of the greys of Harmaa people xD" is a great title!