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Nwalme Fuvur


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Short, but somethin'.
Life is a Game

Life is a game, is it not? Some may not know it as a game, but by my definition of a game, it is. There are people, they are pieces. The pieces come together, and suddenly they are formiddable. Alone, I am nothing. I am insignificant, not a scorpion, not a spider, I am merely a fly; if anything.

It is quite interesting to ponder the differences between a warrior and myself. A warrior can kill me, but I am a spider. I am a poisonous snake, even if he manages to kill me, if I had the opportunity to bite him and took it he is now dead. He may not die soon, or quickly, but he is dead. And yet without my metaphorical poison, I am dead, and he is alive. I can strike out as myself, without my poison, and that may simply anger him and he will then... kill me, my arrogance would of been my downfall as it has with Basil and countless other figures in history.

Poison is an interesting word to use to describe it.

Nwalme Fuvur, the Silverooth


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
*formidable ;)

But who is to say that being a fly is a bad thing? Or, rephrasing, a fly on the wall~?


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff


It's intriguing, really. Some of us are born as nobles, high nobles, with no knowledge of life beyond a castle or perhaps a wealthy port city. They not knowing what it is like, to be sixteen or so and killing a man out of fear, have your family's home burned because some lord or another got it into his head to go and pillage some rebel's lands. I do not think less of them, I simply find it to be interesting. I was born, screaming at the top of my voice or so I was told, in some drafty, wooden rubble that passed for a house in the lesser districts of the slums. Now I sing, can speak in four tongues as fluently as my native one, I own a handful of weapons and some odd jewelry I couldn't convince myself at the time to sell to another trader.

I rarely use the swords of course, in favor of pondering what's happened to my little ones. Light is still running around Port Silver, I imagine he comes here occasionally but it's quite unfortunate I haven't caught him here for awhile. Valrien is a jester, or was; Elarinya, gone, but where to? Asher comes to mind, but only because he reminds me of myself.

We are all born brothers and sisters under Sallana, all equals in our own right, and if we try we all have the opportunity to accomplish whatever we wish. And yet, always returning to that issue, that constant mental, metaphorical itch. What do I want?

I have gold, Cromarcky, Alyshia, Sallana. Happiness. I have a future, I have so many options. I can spend my days drinking and wondering at my youth and the days I can scarcely remember; when both of my arms worked and I had all of my fingers. I can do what the other goddess teaches and continue going after knowledge, considering what an enjoyable hobby it is. I can finish copying Elrohir's library into other books so it is not such a bother to read. I could drink, as well. So much work, really. Why not just sit here and continue trying to grow fat, as I read by the light of either a fireplace or my spacious windows?

Could just sleep, might attempt another visit to Salt's Ridge, if I still can't manage my way to Lord Arcturus.
Smoke, a very bored individual.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... With a few choice words, he can do... most anything, considering he is trusted by three of the most potent militaristic organisations, and he can already make the best bear stew this side of Altera.