Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Nwalme Fuvur


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Lemme just put.. emphasis on something.

So I've had Nwalme for a year one quarter of another.

Nwalme is an extremely composed, thoughtful, and logical man. For the better part of sixty four IC years, he's not let emotion over-ride his actions and thoughts. Sure, he's felt fondness. He's come to appreciate things. But that does not effect how he acts. Two-faced to a fault, inwardly he retains a blunt, dry attitude and works towards not letting play interfere with work. He has never so much as felt jitters since he was fourteen years old, when I started playing him.

He forgot where he was standing for well into two minutes, inside of a Dwarven forge, standing a few feet away from magma.


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