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Nwalme Fuvur


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
I got a bit.. bored/inspired by some thoughts Nwalme had late last night, so.. consider this a journal~

"I feel butterflies. But perhaps they are mere hornets that have not begun stinging me yet. I feel love, and yet it can all be ripped away so easily, as anything can. I feel a strange urge to record these thoughts as I always do, but my runic thoughts will have to do. I've never felt this way. I explained it as fear, but is anything quite so simple? I could be making a mistake. But... am I? I've felt very consciously aware of many of my past mistakes, but this doesn't feel like one. This is strange, this is something indescribable. I think I'm afraid. Yet, I also find myself filled with hope. I ask myself what this is, yet I feel I'm intentionally avoiding the question. This is it. This is love.

... But is it? I've associated love with bliss, as Sybbyl feels, but I'm.. stressed. Sybbyl has less worries, to be fair, and I do share her sense of bliss from time to time. But I feel uncertain. I feel like my decades of experience are suddenly slipping away, without my hands to hold them together. I could write, I could work, I could craft pieces of art. But I suppose I couldn't.. sit back and appreciate. I don't need to work.... I have Sybbyl. But I also have Harleen. I have Aryus and Light, and her aspirations to have her own. Fatherhood is weighing on me as it hasn't before. My sons are no longer mine to hold under my own roof until they can face the world on their own, they have. And I do not know how they are faring. Do they feel the weight of the world on their shoulders?"


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
D'you lot prefer thoughts to journals~? There's virtually no chance that they'll get into someone else's hands, but they're also more an unrefined thing than what he records in books.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Found da voice fer referencin' what he sounds like when he's in private wif' family and particular other individuals.
Last edited:


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
"What is real? As I progress with Cogitation and my knowledge of it increases, I find the line between the collective Cogitation reality and the so-called.. actual reality to be blurred. I know Cogitation to of already affected me mentally, but.. I had not expected it would make me question my own existence. Am I real? Is Sybbyl real? I'm... yes. I'm going to choose that we are. We are an.. example of what is real. But is my so-called 'reality' real? It caused... real emotions. It affected Sybbyl in some fashion. Then surely, at some level, it is also real? Is my 'reality' limited to interact with us in only some small way at a minute level? And furthmore, what of the aspects of Cogitation that do not blur the lines so much? If I link with Sybbyl to get more of an insight to how she is, surely that is real...? Am I becoming unhinged?"


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Thar moreso insight into Nwalme's inner thoughts. I predict that he's going to give his books away to family, and burn the ones he doesn't want, in favor of devoting.. everything to memory before long.


Thar moreso insight into Nwalme's inner thoughts. I predict that he's going to give his books away to family, and burn the ones he doesn't want, in favor of devoting.. everything to memory before long.
Make one completely, totally, 100% about Aryus, the favourite child.
Nobody else matters in Nwalme's life in this one, okay? Okay.