Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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ObsidianShield Application [Declined - Tantara]


Lord of Altera
I apologize for my previous application, it was sloppy. Let me truly introduce myself.

My name is ObsidianShield. I am currently 14 years old [I accidentally put my birth date as 1989]. I am a male. I am from the United States of America. I have read your exceptional tome of citizenship, good job the the author. I am a somewhat experienced role payer, despite my first role-play server being horrible. I like to read books about far away lands and mystical powers. I have always been a mage. My hobbies are video games, books, and all sorts of stuff. I am a moderate builder, I could possibly make a nice looking castle. Sadly my mac doesn't like it when i get into large building. I have to use optifine to be able to walk around a server. But, all in all, i don't like to brag. I am a more, peaceful person and tend to like to farm or build more. I am a SWORN enemy of griefing. I once an admin, i know the of the horrors of griefers. I am good at following rules, and i will do my best to stay in character. I do know mods are bannable, and i shall not use them. The only mod i do use is optifine, a mod which helps with performance. I heard about your server from some people inlay with on another server. I was friends with them. I have voted, since this server seems to be very good. I hope you will accept my application. Thank you for your time.


Resigned Admin
Please use the other applications on the forum as an example and put your questions in the correct format. We're looking for an answer to each question (not a paragraph).

I'm going to decline this, but feel free to copy the information into a new application.