Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Pluxo - Whitelist Application [Declined - Sodium]

1 and 7, and 6....AND 11??: Well, ive recently gotten back into playing minecraft, on top of normal things i do like play xbox, soccer, etc, and for starters, my username is Pluxo. Yeah, i know what your thinking, "What kind of name is pluxo?". Honestly, dont ask. I am some person making an application to this what seems to be pretty cool server. As i said before, like to play xbox, soccer, basketball, and anything along the lines of a ball. Or guns, and explosions. I also like minecraft. You know, because its..... minecrafty? I cant really explain WHY i like this game, guess im just wierd like that. Im pretty much here because ive been looking for an rp server. And i came across this one, and it stood out to me out of the rest of them all. I like roleplay a lot, its kind of like that epic quest you'll never go on. Oh, also, im a fun spirited guy, and i can get mad in only rare occasions. I act pretty mature accept for when something rediculously epic happens. But you know, i cant do that if i was roleplaying :D. I guess that wouldnt count as 8 sentences for 7. But honestly, im really bad at expaining my hobbies, because i like doing most of everything, besides math. I HATTTEEE MAAATTHHH!!
2. 14 years old my fine sir.
3. I do believe im a male kind fellow
4. I live in the good ol' U.S. of A..... merica?
5. Unless the page titled as the Tome of Citizenship wasnt it. But i take that as a... yes?
8. Well, you wouldnt believe me, but ive built statues of administrators on my old server. Also built flag towers (These wierd things.... I cant rlly explain.) And some other...... things....
9. No, i will NOT give you my muffin. But you can have this cookie instead.
10. Well, im too stupid to figure out how to use that stuff, plus i know i can't, so yeah, i know that im not allowed to use it.
12. Not yet. Oh, there we go, i voted now :)


The Lunarch
Hmm, there is no way that this will get accepted, so declined. Please use the template to construct your answer and answer all of the questions in order. Also, this is in the wrong place, moving. I look forward to seeing your updated application later.