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Political terms... Yay or Nae?


The Kingdom Crusher
Right, I want to keep this short and sweet. Both my characters are heavily involved in politics. So, it would only be natural to use political terms, right (Disregard Chalkan, he isn't a big fan of common >.>)? Well, I thought about it and resized some terms come from modern events. So, which terms could I use, and which ones shouldn't I? A good example would be right and left wing, or Socialist, capitalist, communist, ect. Yay or Nae? And if Nae, any suggestions for alternatives?


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
I, personally, am a humongous fan of keeping it medieval, and disregarding modern language in favor of which what would hath been told forth in such an era.


Lord of Altera
Methinks terms such as "diplomatic" could be used, but avoid things like either of the wings because I don't think wings existed then. To be honest, I don't think communist or socialist would have been words that existed then either.


Burner of Worlds
Right and Left arose from the French parliament during the revolution around 1780ish. Communism is from about 1850. Socialism and capitalism are from earlier, but still late 1700's. You'd be ok with terms like democracy which came from the ancient greeks

frank frappuccino

Lord of Altera
Instead of saying "lets be communists bro" you could say "equality to all!"
And then be considered a nut case since it was generally accepted that you were put in your situation by god so I might have been a Lord who had the money to help a peasant but I would not because it was the way of god that you were poor and dying from hunger while I live in my big fancy castle and eat, drink and whore myself to an early grave.