Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

quinny192 [Declined - Sodium/Karasu1996]


hello my name is connor quinn. age: 14 i am male and i live in the uk.
i have read the tome of citizenship and i love reading fantasy especially harry potter so to be able to play fantasy is a dream come true also i may seem young and likely to wreck your server but i ensure you i wont as i hate when you build something and i is destoyed, also i have made many monuments Eg: the great pyramids, the eifel tower, the houses of parleyment buckinghem palace and a giant steve are my best. i would love to show you some of my work but the server i made them on has been shut down due to cost if you have any questions please ask and i hope you get back to me soon thank you


Lord of Altera
Please include the format with the questions in your applications. Hollowworld's admins don't like slackers. Take the time and you could be accepted. I don't make the decisions, but please take the time to edit your application. :)


The Lunarch
Greetings, Connor. I'm glad you have decided to join our community, however you've not successfully successfully carried out the criteria for me to allow you on the server, and so in it's current state this application will be declined. However, yoo you can fill out a fresh application using this template, in full sentences - making sure to read all of the questions thoroughly before you compose your response. Please make sure to leave the questions in your response.