Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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rasta472's application


1. Your Minecraft username:rasta472
2. Your real name: Patrick
3. Age:16
4. Gender:male
5. Country: U.S.
6. ive read the tome
7. I love roleplay, i play skyrim and other rpg games. Its a great thing to add to minecraft.
8. My hobbies are playing minecraft. I also enjoy playing music. Another thing i like to do is hike. I like to go outdoors. I like to walk my dog too...
9. NA
10. No
11. Yes
12.I tried to vote, i registered and everything but I dont know if it went through.


Lord of Altera
Alright. Add the questions back in, add more to question 8, which asks for 8 sentences or more and preferably not based around minecraft.


Loyal Servant of Altera
dose it matter how old you are? alot of the player base is 12-20, so it shouldnt matter XD
No, age is not so important. But not many of the moderators who accept applications like it when a person lies about their age.


Loyal Servant of Altera
By the way, you're ignoring what a moderator told you already. Read the first reply to your thread


Loyal Servant of Altera
whats your problem dude?
I don't have a problem...

The way I see it, you can either
1) listen to Sally
2) get declined

It's up to you.
But I hope you don't think I have anything against you personally.