Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

RavenMay Server Application [Declined - Sodium]


Minecraft name: RavenMay
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Country: UK

I'm currently a Student in the UK on a computer games design course i am dyslexic (stupid word for a disability of words) and here are some example of the work i have done.

3D facial moddeling Facial Modelling/
3D Body moddeling (NSFW and younger people) Body moddeling/

I am an avid gamer by heart and have played things from Anarchy Online to World of tanks. I am also a Xbox 360 player mostly RPG's as well as playing D&D with friends. We set up a small Server running from one of out own computers and thus it was a bit laggy and had some problems but it ran xD. It was like this server a medieval set and we had rules about how to set up towns and settlements etc.. so we are good at following rules and reading your this will be no problem.
not very good at writing tho so if you want to know any thing ask XD.

Never have and never will use "Black Magic" to cheat at a game as this destroys the longevity of a game.

Found the server doing google searchs

Not voted yet and this would be misleading to others if i vote for some thing with out knowing if its good or not.


The Lunarch
Since this application has been pending improvements by the applicant for over a week, I am going to have to decline it. Please feel free to re-apply to be whitelisted at any time.