Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Court Jester
Retired Staff
I wouldn't agree with that. :p
Mainly sayin' Abbey here was asking for locations that might possibly have RP. It isn't advertising really, but it does give a good general idea of towns that are 'active'. Yesterday, I went exploring and came across a town completely deserted, owned by a banned member. :)
*stamp of approval* Eeeexactly!


DemonicFowl said:
I wouldn't agree with that. :p
Mainly sayin' Abbey here was asking for locations that might possibly have RP. It isn't advertising really, but it does give a good general idea of towns that are 'active'. Yesterday, I went exploring and came across a town completely deserted, owned by a banned member. :)
Yes, yes you have a point :p. It was a meer joke for those with a bad sense of humour.