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[SANCTUARY] Sanctuary of Rhaniek

French Roast

Lord of Altera
This is mainly directed at DeadPress or an assistant of Protaras, since that is where I want to build it. Others should tell me if it is a good idea, not allowed, etc.

It would consist of a medium sized single room underneath my house. The dimensions would probably be something around 25 long 25 wide and 50 tall. It doesn't exactly fit the theme of Protaras, but that's one reason why it would be underground - or more specifically, why it would be under my house. It would consist of a few trees and vines, and then a Rashik-Sth'ara (golem) in the center close to the back wall. The golem would be "alive" but dormant, so it can't do anything. It's not like I would have a massive war machine in my basement that I can actually use. Besides, it's not a war machine. It's strictly for worship. The interior would mainly be stone brick or cobblestone, probably some mossy cobblestone too, since I have some. The body of the golem would be made of smooth stone and stone brick, with some metal parts (not machinery, just metal plates). The head would be decorative iron/gold/lapis/diamond blocks, and glowstone for the eyes. It would have a large blade in one hand, which would most likely be iron studded with lapis blocks. The other hand would probably be empty.

It would be a large project that would normally stand out in the city of Protaras, but it would be hidden underground. In RP, it would be something very important to my character.


Bandit Overlord
As long as you dig deep and you dont do loads of tunnels off the main room i dont see a problem with this being built as its for RP purposes. One thing i ask though is that you build a staircase to this sanctuary not just a ladder down as i think thats just lazy :p but cant wait to see it hope it looks really creative :D


This forum is not meant for buildings within builds and projects, its meant for towns and estalbishments.

French Roast

Lord of Altera
Wouldn't a sanctuary count as an establishment? It's going to pretty much be as big as the exterior of Cubey's shrine. It's not exactly "in" Protaras, anyway, since it's not exactly public. It's my private giant sanctuary.


Wouldn't a sanctuary count as an establishment? It's going to pretty much be as big as the exterior of Cubey's shrine. It's not exactly "in" Protaras, anyway, since it's not exactly public. It's my private giant sanctuary.
Unless it's a seperate region, it wouldn't be a seperate entity as such. Especially if it's not public it doesn't need its own thread. However if you plan to use this thread a lot besides simply asking for permission to build it (which should have been done through a PM) then feel free to have this thread. Otherwise it's just clogging up.

French Roast

Lord of Altera
Yes I will be using this thread a lot.

And I did post this here to advertise it and get other people's feedback about it, post some pics of it when I'm finished, etc. not just to get permission for it.