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Lord of Altera
I want your my head, like the art part of it. The part that has all the art skills? Uh, that's not weird at all...anyways... ask and you shall receive~ I think he neck might be a little too long, and the waist seems very small compared to her shoulders.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Critique: The shoulders seem off, in that they slope way too steeply for a woman.
I want your my head, like the art part of it. The part that has all the art skills? Uh, that's not weird at all...anyways... ask and you shall receive~ I think he neck might be a little too long, and the waist seems very small compared to her shoulders.
Yeah, shoulders do look a bit slouch-y. But it's still a lovely drawing that I wish I could get anywhere close to. ;_;
Ah ah, thank y'guys so much :D
The waist is 'cause shes wearing a corset type thing- um- Usually I don't hafta draw a neck because hair, so I suppose I need to practice those- it probably contributes to the shoulders looking weird...
thank you again!! :heart:


Lord of Altera
*Cracks knuckles*
I'm only doing this because critique has been requested- I'll try to be nice, I'm sorry if I get a bit blunt though, I'm a bit sick so I wont be able to reread my words as much as I usually do, ANYWAY.

The nose is off, I'm not sure if every face is the same (Considering there's 7 billion faces in the world and I've only been close to like.. 3 max-) but the nose usually starts to curve out level with the eyes (perfect for glasses yes-?), so currently she doesn't have much of a forehead. The forehead usually (I'm using usually again- because I don't get to observe RL people much and can only assume-) protrudes out with the eyebrows.

That's all for the head, now for the PROS, holy Rahas Michcat-

I absolutely adore how you've drawn those lips, you know how hard those are to get right! Geeez, it looks beautiful, the colour blends wonderfully with her hair and the eye shadow as well. There's no colour clashes so it all goes together to make her look so graceful, it's perfect for the wedding theme~

ALSO THAT HAIR IS GORGEOUS. *Ahem* No really- the swift strands of light and the way it curls around her shoulders, so beautiful.

Now, down to the shoulders, it's already been mentioned they're slouched but I think the main thing is the right shoulder (Not her right, our right) is slouched, the left is perfect.

I'm not sure if it's the dress design, but the right sleeve at her armpit is really low, again- I'm not sure if this is intended so I'll shut up here.

Oh- and at that point in the dress, unless the top is purposely tight, then cleavage wouldn't show that high up, maybe a little shadow to imply boobs but that's bout it.

Done with the critique there- back to the awesome parts. Look at that beautiful dreeesss, ahhhhhh.

Seriously I love the creases in it, they're not pointed out with dark lines like the lineart- which is really fitting for a wedding dress, it makes it look softer and as with the other parts of the image- it goes together to compliment the graceful feeling of both the picture and character. The toning on her skin also looks wonderful, the indents for her knuckles look great, as well as back on her face- that cheekbone shading. CHEEKBONES AHHH- *Ahem again* That's incredible, really. The detail you've put into this is astounding and it's a wonderful piece. Did I mention the dress has a wonderful design cuz I should totally say that again-


Overall, beautiful and well themed picture~ I think you really have a thing for matching colours too~

Edit: I forgot to mention the jawline looks good- and I'm very impressed with it, along with the veil and I'm sad I forgot to mention it-

Edit edit: I'm mad at myself for missing mentioning this too. The left shoulder is perfect, it's just the neckline towards said shoulder that's a BIT off (Seriously it's just a little bit), otherwise I think her shoulders look fine~
Last edited:


Retired Staff
*Cracks knuckles*
I'm only doing this because critique has been requested- I'll try to be nice, I'm sorry if I get a bit blunt though, I'm a bit sick so I wont be able to reread my words as much as I usually do, ANYWAY.

The nose is off, I'm not sure if every face is the same (Considering there's 7 billion faces in the world and I've only been close to like.. 3 max-) but the nose usually starts to curve out level with the eyes (perfect for glasses yes-?), so currently she doesn't have much of a forehead. The forehead usually (I'm using usually again- because I don't get to observe RL people much and can only assume-) protrudes out with the eyebrows.

That's all for the head, now for the PROS, holy Rahas Michcat-

I absolutely adore how you've drawn those lips, you know how hard those are to get right! Geeez, it looks beautiful, the colour blends wonderfully with her hair and the eye shadow as well. There's no colour clashes so it all goes together to make her look so graceful, it's perfect for the wedding theme~

ALSO THAT HAIR IS GORGEOUS. *Ahem* No really- the swift strands of light and the way it curls around her shoulders, so beautiful.

Now, down to the shoulders, it's already been mentioned they're slouched but I think the main thing is the right shoulder (Not her right, our right) is slouched, the left is perfect.

I'm not sure if it's the dress design, but the right sleeve at her armpit is really low, again- I'm not sure if this is intended so I'll shut up here.

Oh- and at that point in the dress, unless the top is purposely tight, then cleavage wouldn't show that high up, maybe a little shadow to imply boobs but that's bout it.

Done with the critique there- back to the awesome parts. Look at that beautiful dreeesss, ahhhhhh.

Seriously I love the creases in it, they're not pointed out with dark lines like the lineart- which is really fitting for a wedding dress, it makes it look softer and as with the other parts of the image- it goes together to compliment the graceful feeling of both the picture and character. The toning on her skin also looks wonderful, the indents for her knuckles look great, as well as back on her face- that cheekbone shading. CHEEKBONES AHHH- *Ahem again* That's incredible, really. The detail you've put into this is astounding and it's a wonderful piece. Did I mention the dress has a wonderful design cuz I should totally say that again-


Overall, beautiful and well themed picture~ I think you really have a thing for matching colours too~

Edit: I forgot to mention the jawline looks good- and I'm very impressed with it, along with the veil and I'm sad I forgot to mention it-
Noses are highly variable, so it's very easily possible for someone to have an eagle schnozz.


Roleplay keeper
.. I just want to point out she's pale as cream, and lacks a bit of warm colour.. She looks like a ghost to me, but hey, that might just be a style.


Lord of Altera
The armpit seems very low down, as Sally said, and I think she looks like a corpse. Also, I'm not sure if it's just me, but I think the iris should be a little more squashed. But that is incredibly pedantic of me...

The space underneath the eyebrow seems a little bit off and her cheek bone looks a little bit too far back as well, although that again could just be me.