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{Shalherana} Divine Passives


Events Staff
Very Sweet
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Divine Passives
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Those who become Blessed by their Divine will be able to choose from a selection of passives, able to pick one aesthetic and one quirk at each rank of the divine system. These choices are not able to be changed once chosen and applied, and should be written on your divine profiles. Some are not available until T3, and Exalts do not gain one from this thread upon hitting Exalted - That is a custom passive to be discussed with the divine team.

These aesthetics and quirks are available to all tiers of the divine system. You may choose one of each at each rank-up from tiers one through four.​
][ Their fingers or hands glow a soft white in certain scenarios, be it healing another, spellcasting, or trying to soothe another.​
][ The eyes take on a ring of color about the pupil thematic to their Divine, intensifying in spellcasting or heightened emotional states.​
][ Small white flowers grow amidst their hair and/or clothing, with hair (including facial hair) growing at a faster rate than usual. Optionally, hair can turn white in full or in sections.​
][ They appear more graceful and elegant, seeming to be up to an inch taller with their posture. Their skin and hair are both soft and healthy, with hair optionally becoming either entirely white or gaining a streak. The hair can remain normal if desired.​
][ Shimmering white butterflies flutter about their person, unable to be touched as if they are ethereal. They can be dispersed at will.​
][ Divine markings thematic to their divine form (in color as well as design) upon the body. This can be as simple as bands around the wrists, or an entire intricate design across the back, left up to the player. Optionally, these markings may glow faintly in colours of their divine.​
][ They are able to summon some basic healing supplies from the air around them, with them dispersing after use (needle and thread, bowl of clean water, cloth.)​
][ By resting their hand for several seconds upon any superficial wound that does not require stitches, be it on themselves or another, they can will it to heal over with a white scar or none at all.​
][ They can find where the break of a bone is by hovering a hand over the limb, with great accuracy. In their mind’s eye, they can visualize the break in detail, as to see how best to fix it.​
][ They are able to touch or gently blow upon flowers and plants to will them to bloom and return to full health.​
][ Medical tools that they pray over are magically cleaned; blood fades from scalpels, bandages clean themselves, etc.​
][ They summon a small creature made of twisting vines and nature itself, no larger than half a meter tall/wide, taking on any form. This creature can complete mundane tasks (such as pouring a glass of water, carrying a coin purse, holding a bowl etc) but cannot be used in combat. It is commanded by the will of the blessed, and crumbles to dust if it gets more than ten meters away.​

Upon reaching tier three, the following join their respective pools as options to be taken:​
][ They grow a set of large butterfly wings on their upper back that settle to resemble a silk cloak of the same hues. They have no functional use, but can be moved independently (like opening/closing them). If removed or torn, they repair/regrow over the next day, with removed pieces turning into dust. Their pattern and colors is at the discretion of the blessed.​
][ Their body prevents or recovers from certain afflictions near-instantly; mundane disease, infection, and poison don't have any effect on them.​
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