Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Spartanpony-Application [Declined - Sodium]


Username: spartonpony.Age: 16. Gender: Male. Country: Maine. I have read the template. I have experience in role playing because i have played WoW, Runescape and all the fable games and some others i can't remember like regnum and I'm cool with it. My name is Jake. I have 4 dogs, and a very annoying bird. I like to help animals and I like to train. (Hehehe I found a sword in my basement.) I also like to lift weights and I love to climb. I also like to swim and occasionally surf.Sorry no pics. Nothing else to share. Yes I am aware that I can be banned for using Dark magic. I have voted. Sorry for not doing 8, can't think of anything else :<


Lord of Altera
Try to not be so hasty. Copy and paste the blank template and fill it in.


Lord of Altera
Wolf, if it's to hard for you to understand, then I'm not sure if you should be on this server. The RP's we do are way more complicated than the application example.


The Lunarch
Yeah, currently this application isn't up to scratch. Please use the template found here to complete your application, just copy and paste the template and fill the questions in. Leave the questions in your application and answer them fully.


The Lunarch
This application has been pending drastic improvements for a while now, so I am going to decline it. Please feel free to complete another application if you would like to join our community.