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Storms Landing Laws & Punishment

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HollowWorld's Announcer
Lore Staff
Server Outreach
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These laws serve to keep order within the walls of Storm's Landing, they are updated by the Council, for the protection of its citizens.​

[Minor Crimes]

The lowest tier of crimes - Anything present here can be dealt with by any Storm’s Guard, generally without a trial, unless it is contested. Repeated or egregious offenses may result in punishments that would be more severe than normal.

Petty Theft: The act of taking a small quantity [Ranging from 1 to 99 Radiants in worth] of goods, property, or radiants, from another’s property or person.

Pickpocketing: The act of taking another’s personal property from their person, in any capacity, whether they are conscious or unconscious.
Verbal Assault: The act of unlawfully threatening another with any egregious harm.

Indecency: The act of causing discomfort or unrest in a public setting. Breaking the rules in a public place would constitute Indecency.

Vandalism: The act of breaking another’s personal property or property in a small quantity [Damages ranging from 1 to 99 Radiants] without permission by the owner of said property.

Trespassing: The act of entering another’s property without consent from the owner of said property. Trespassing would constitute entering a public place, then breaking the rules of the said public place, then refusing to leave if asked by the owner of said place or a Storm’s Guard.

Unlawful Brawling: The act of fighting another citizen or guest of Storm’s Landing with no lethal force involved.

[Moderate Crimes]

Between Minor and Greater Crimes, Moderate Crimes will be the middle ground of crime that can be punished through various means, whether it is a greater fine or potential imprisonment. Repeated or egregious offenses may result in punishments that would be more severe than normal.

Mugging: The act of taking any amount of personal property from a citizen or guest of Storm’s Landing, with any amount of force.

Robbery: The act of taking a quantity [Ranging from 100 to 999 Radiants in worth] of goods, property, or radiants, from another’s property or person.

Breaking and Entering: The act of unlawfully entering a property, public or otherwise, without the consent of the owner of said property. Unlike trespassing, however, Breaking and Entering requires the use of opening a way into said property. Certain examples would be opening a closed door or window, breaking a window open, scaling a wall. As long as there is an opening made that was not originally there, it would constitute Breaking and Entering.

Burglary: The act of Breaking and Entering a certain property, then proceed to take any amount of goods, items, radiants, or objects from that property.

Fraud: The act of unlawfully deceiving another citizen or guest of Storm’s Landing.

Physical Assault: The act of utilizing any amount of unauthorized force with a weapon against another citizen or guest of Storm’s Landing.

Property Damage: The act of breaking another’s personal property or property with malicious intent.

Unlawful Dueling: The act of fighting another citizen or guest of Storm’s Landing with lethal force involved. Lawful Dueling may occur, in the event that a member of the Storm’s Guard is present to observe and regulate honorable dueling behaviors.

Attempted Greater Crimes: Any Greater Crime that was attempted but either stopped by an outside party or ceased while occurring.

[Greater Crimes]

Greater crimes are the step below the most heinous of crimes that one can commit in Storm’s Landing. Repeated or egregious offenses may result in punishments that would be more severe than normal.

Fleeing Arrest: The act of fleeing from a Storm’s Guard or other party with authorization to detain.

Attempted Prison Escape: The act of attempting to flee from one’s place of detainment, before or after being convicted of a crime within Storm’s Landing.

Attempted Prison Breakout: The act of attempting to cause another to be unlawfully released from detainment, before or after being convicted of a crime within Storm’s Landing.

Prison Escape: The act of fleeing from one’s place of detainment, before or after being convicted of a crime within Storm’s Landing.

Prison Breakout: The act of causing another to be unlawfully released from detainment, before or after being convicted of a crime within Storm’s Landing.

Arson: The act of setting alight another’s personal property or property.

Murder: The act of assaulting another being by any means, resulting in their death.

Larceny: The act of unlawfully taking an amount [1,000 to 9,999 Radiants in worth] of goods, property, or radiants from another’s property or person.

Vigilantism: The act of taking the law into one’s own hands. Acting against another Offending Party without proper authorization from a Storm’s Landing Authority.

Attempted Grand Crimes: Any Grand Crime that was attempted but either stopped by an outside party or ceased while occurring.

[Grand Crimes]

There are few crimes that can be listed that could match these. To commit these crimes in Storm’s Landing is to ask for the harshest of punishments. Repeated or egregious offenses may result in punishments that would be more severe than normal.

Misuse of Power: The act of an agent of the Storm’s Landing government or guard force using their powers in an unlawful manner.

Murder of a Storm’s Landing Official: The act of assaulting another being by any means, resulting in their death, while this being is an active Storm’s Guard or member of the Elective Government of Storm’s Landing.

Mass Murder: The act of murdering a series [More than 1] of citizens or guests of Storm’s Landing. There is no statute of limitations for the time between the murders for this crime.

Torture: The act of holding another against their will and subjecting them to physical, emotional, or any other form of damage.

Kidnapping: The act of holding another against their will unlawfully.

Grand Larceny: The act of unlawfully taking an amount [10,000+ Radiants in worth] of goods, property, or radiants from another’s property or person.

Demonic Summoning: Performing a ritual intended for calling forth a Demon.

Corruption: Spreading physical and spiritual corruption upon the land.

Consensual Possession: Knowingly allowing oneself or others to become possessed for personal reasons.

Enforced Vyrism: Forcefully turning a person into a Vyre against their will or through coercion.

Enforced Possession:
Forcing a possession upon another against their will or through coercion.

[Sanctioned Actions]

Continuing with previous Storm’s Landing Law, there will be certain actions that are allowed by the Governing Authority within the City.

Self-Defense: In the event that Offending Party attacks another person, and in defense, the Offending Party is injured or killed, the defense of Self-Defense may be used.

Bounty: If the government of Storm’s Landing has placed a bounty upon the head of a citizen or guest of Storm’s Landing, it may be discussed with the Storm’s Guard prior to action being taken, that a Bounty Hunter may become involved within Storm’s Landing.

Extradition: With prior discussion and request to the governing authority of Storm’s Landing, it may be allowed for a citizen or guest to be extradited to another city, village, or any other form of holding, if a crime has been committed in their lands.

Legal Pardon: Through one means or another, it has been decided that the High Judge of Storm’s Landing has pardoned an Offending Party of a crime, from either a lack of evidence, or the involved Officer of the Storm’s Guard had misidentified the suspect or had committed crimes in the arrest.

Extrication: Performing an exorcism on a possessed individual should they be deemed a threat to themselves and/or others, this extends to stopping corruption and acts to spread it. Those possessed that hold a position of authority in Storms Landing will be offered a limited time to receive an exorcism before being removed of all titles if they are deemed to be stalling or refusing outright. A Blessed will be provided to perform the service.


[OOC Rules]

This region is MODERATE

Do not:

+ Grief or take parts of builds
+ Murder without good IC reason
+ Maim or permanently debilitate without consent

Definitions For Crimes
The following will be definitions for certain terms and words used within Storm’s Landing Law, in order to better educate Storm’s Landing citizens and guests on what exactly is involved in many of the listed crimes. As well, it gives attorneys, for both defense and prosecution, a better understanding of how to argue for and against the innocence of an Offending Party.
Citizen: Anyone within Storm’s Landing who owns property and utilizes it as a primary place of residence. Those who do not explicitly own a home in Storm’s Landing, but are often found around the Landing [i.e Homeless] will be considered citizens.

Guest: A guest of Storm’s Landing would be anyone whose primary place of residence is uncertain or outside of Storm’s Landing. Certain examples are: Travelling merchants, mercenaries whose main place of operation is outside of Storm’s Landing, landed nobility from other parts of the Continent.

Personal Property: Any and all items, of any worth, that would be found on a person or within a shop, home, or similar place of residence or work. Certain examples are: Weaponry. Food. Radiants. Artwork. Armor. Tools. The definition of Personal Property, within Storm’s Landing, is not limited to these examples.

Property: Any place of residence or work within Storm’s Landing that is either privately owned by a citizen or guest of Storm’s Landing, or a branch of the Government of Storm’s Landing. Certain examples are: Homes, Shops, the Storm’s Landing Courthouse, the Storm’s Landing Guardhouse. The definition of Property, within Storm’s Landing, is not limited to these examples.

Taking/Stealing: Taking is defined as the unauthorized seizing of another’s property, in any manner in which there is not explicit consent from the offended. This would include if the offended is unconscious or otherwise not in the correct state to make a decision that would suit their person.

Public Setting: Any place that is open to other citizens or guests of Storm’s Landing. Certain examples are: Jack’s Tavern, The Storm’s Landing Courthouse, any shop or stand within Storm’s Landing. The definition of a Public Setting, within Storm’s Landing, is not limited to these examples.

Attempt/Attempted: To attempt would constitute a vested effort to commit an unlawful act. Attempting to murder someone would mean attacking with lethal force, such as firing a crossbow at an unarmored person, assaulting someone with a lethal weapon, or attempting to place poison within a food or drink. These are examples of what an attempt would be, and is not limited to this definition. Every crime can be attempted and punished as such, though there may be, depending on the circumstances, a lower punishment for an attempted crime as opposed to a crime that was committed fully.

Fraud: To further define the act of Fraud, it is generally the act of deceiving another. To make it easier to understand what Fraud is, two examples will be utilized. The first would be a person in Storm’s Landing arresting another, deceiving said person into believing they are a member of the Storm’s Guard. Another would be selling a certain product, giving a certain description of it, while in reality it does nothing of the sort. The definition of Fraud is not limited to these two examples.

Detainment: Detainment is entirely defined as a person or persons being held by any authority within Storm’s Landing at any point during legal proceedings. Certain examples are: Being arrested by a Storm’s Guard or other Legal Authority, being held within any form of holding chamber, or being held on trial.

Statute of Limitations: A statute of limitations, in simple terms, means a time limit. Sometimes, certain charges can be dropped if they occurred a certain amount of time ago. All Storm’s Landing crimes have no statute of limitations, meaning anybody can be tried for them at any point in their life, in the event a criminal goes into hiding. For the Mass Murder charge, it specifically states there is no statute of limitations, meaning that if there is a decade between two untried murders, it can be classified as Mass Murder. Likewise, four murders that happened within the span of a week would also be tried for Mass Murder.

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The Alchemist
Staff member
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Every citizen holds the right to a trial. By combat, or by word. They shall be heard.

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[Trial Process & Laws]

When an arrest is made, a written report must be submitted to the Council within one OOC day from a Guard Member or Guard Captain.

// The Council Must set a trial date within 7 OOC days with the prisoner.

// The Prisoner will have two choices: A fair trial where the Council acts as a judge, or a trial by combat.

The Trial by Combat allows for the Prisoner to select a champion, and the Council of Five to select theirs. The fight will be to the death, or until one of the champions secedes the fight.​

A regular Trial will take place within the Courthouse, and be open to the public. The Council of Five will act as a jury and judge, listening to the testimonies that they see fit in order to make a proper ruling that they will decide upon.​
// If a Council Member is unable to attend the Trial, then the Guard Captain will step in as a deciding voice.

// There must be, at the very least, two Council Members present for each trial.

// One Council Member, selected amongst the Council, will act as the Prosecutor for the trial.

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The Alchemist
Staff member
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The new laws of the Council and a system for Trials are now in place,

Please look them over, Storm's Landing Citizens!
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