Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Stronghold] - Nilfheim


Settling in Altera
Land Owner: Jarl Gabriel Phorvuld Zotikos (In game name Zotikos)

Population: 13

In the north where the wind blows hard and cold you find a people which reflect that feeling. Hardy and strong, the true Norsemen of the realm call this their home, whittling their existence in struggle, strife, and battle. Living under the mountain dedicated to the goddess of combat they often make ceremonial climbs to visit the monastery at the top and preform ancient rights of combat to prove themselves and boast of their own glories. A town of hard folk for hard times.

This city is the training ground for many great warriors. These warriors fight under their Jarl's banner in Draco's army. This town pays homage to Stormhold and is a direct supporter in his right to rule the kingdom and wear the crown.

Zotikos, Infernohawk, Malldar, Koga1211, Kexiana, Jagster08, Trollopher, audio1, Markisbeest, Legokid222, Jessejames106, James_Longstreet, and PIP_MASTER

How to join:
Be good at RP. Be willing to PvP. While all of this will be happening all over the realm we highly encourage strong RP characters in this town and note that this town is a heavily combat oriented town. If you don't want to be fighting, don't join this town. It doesn't hurt to be from the north but we have characters of all sorts in the town. Be friendly in ooc at all times. Just because someone is an in game enemy doesn't make them a bad person. Some of my personal best friends are my enemies in game.

Please apply for the town in this forum using the following format.

RP Name:
MC Username:
Link to Character Profile:
Why you want to join:


RP Name: Caril Frostvein
MC Username: Jessejames106
Link to Character Profile:
Why you want to join: I love the sound of this place, I love Norse myth and culture. I also think that my character suits the warrior spirit that this town gives off. I'm willing and able to PvP, as well as provide resources for building and production of armour and weapons. I'm experienced with hostile RP, and know that OOC and IC are totally separate.


Settling in Altera
RP Name: Legolas Takoman II
MC Username: Legokid222
Link to Character Profile:
Why you want to join: I already talked to Inferno -Hawk and he said I could join but then he had to leave before I could join. But I want to join because I have been searching for a nice wintery town were I can set up a lumber mill and fight by night. I thinnk my character is fit very well for the fighting and protection of the town. If people agree I would like to be a night watchman in addition to running a lumber mill.


Settling in Altera
Ok you guys, looks good to me. I'd only ask that Legokid222 make a character profile in the Roleplay->CharacterProfile/Journals area. It will give us all a good feel of your character and give you some practice with RP before you get in the server. Their are some wonderful examples for you to look at in there so go for it. I'll go ahead and add you to the town but remember to roleplay an introduction in game as I have not officially met either of you yet. InfernoHawk or myself will set you up with a plot. If you want to live in the monastery with the warrior monks that's fine, just get in touch with Malldar. Hope to see you in game.


Lord of Altera
The city has grown much as time has gone. Here is a tour for you people.

Upon arrival at the city, you are immediately taken in by the bustling and thriving Port. Merchants are active up and down the docks, and boats are coming and going constantly, carrying weapons, people, and new settlers to the island.

Over the cliff behind the lighthouse lies the city. And there is so much to see.

Near the lighthouse sits the barracks of the city, where warriors from across Altera come to train and fight in the shadows of Skeira's Monastery.

At the top of a small ridge sit the civic buildings of the city, projecting their power and influence over all.

The main street is bustling. Traders and citizens a like move to and fro living their day to day lives, and above the city on the mountain sits Skeira's Monastery

On one of the side streets is the city library, a center for learning and research for the island.

Upon a hill up closer to the mountain is the city Noble District, where the rich and influential people live looking down on the rest.

Down near the great staircase up the Mountain is the city inn and tavern, a warm and inviting building.

As you begin to climb the path up the mountain you look back at the city as it grows smaller and smaller behind you.



Lord of Altera
The staircase is long and treacherous, and there are several times where you think the old thing will collapse and leave you dead, but it hold well.

Skeira's Monastery grows ever closer.

Near the top of the stairs you look back down, and the large structures of the town seem minuscule at this

You reach the top of the path and the serene and peaceful monastery rises before you. The trees gently sway in the wind.

Inside you are amazed by what you see. Monks pass by, deep in prayer, and some in training under Skeira's ways. Great shrines to the goddess are everywhere.

The gardens of the Monastery are serene and peaceful.

Near the monastery you notice the arena of Skeira. After taking so much in, you just sit and rest for a time.
