Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Outdated] Mikhail of Thorne


"Something need doing?"
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Race: Human
Social Status: Worker.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 150lbs
Date of Birth: 4th of Floodlock, 2261
Date of Death: N/A

Build: Generally tall, and generally average in stature.
Hair: Straw Blond.
Eyes: Deep blue eyes, the colour of the sea.

Identifying Features:
+ A roughly shaven face
+ Eyepatch. Taken from him by Podric
+ Missing his left hand. It now ends in a stump. He has carved a hook to serve as a replacement.
+ Small stab wound on his back.
+ Stab scar on his thigh.
+ Facial scar
+ N/A

Personality: Mikhail is careful. He has made many mistakes in the past, and he is now trying to avoid the consequences.

Disposition: Seeking

Religious Inclinations:
+ A wistful fear towards Ignis.
+ A growing resentment towards Crusade / Valiant
+ Appreciation of Jax
+ Energy from Energy. Hardships must ignite the next renaissance of Man.
+ Fear leads to anger, and anger leads to hatred.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Short Term Goals:
{ } Find new direction​
Long Term Goals:
{/} Find peace in his heart
{ } See Thorne grow and prosper as it once did.

Completed/Failed Goals:
{+} Find some direction in life​
{+} Begin to connect with useful individuals​
{+} Lodgings and work (Thorne)
{x} Start a charity​
{+} Speak to Podric Flanders​
{+} Research the soils​
{+} Restore the fields of Thorne (Removed the blight from the fields of Thorne)
{+} End the famine. (Well kinda, he helped with a aid caravan)
{x} Speak to Edgar Kress about lockpicks. (Gave up)
{+} Become strong enough to make a mark upon this world
{+} Burial/Cleansing of all those who had been killed by the Ashen Dragon in the city of Thorne. Give them the rites they deserve. (Convinced Podric to run funeral rites)
{×} Speak further to Podric Flanders about faith and service (Given up after he was imprisoned)​
{+} Replant the fields of Thorne (Removed blight from the fields)​

Clothing: Owns several off-white coloured shirts, and pants. Nothing too notable.


+ Small but sharp knife used for a variety of applications
+ A simple iron dagger taken from a masked individual after winning a game Hyliade
+ Maybe his prosthetic?
Treasured Items:
+ A single Fuvurian gold coin found on his travels to Sanardu after he left the church. Spent.
+ Half a stag antler (currently in his house at sanardu) "given" by Jack of the Kraken's Culling tavern (godfather1 TheDrakeProject Baron2537 Shankster) Stored in his house in Sanardu.
+ A small wooden bowl "given" by Valtae The_VALKYRIE Stored in his house in Sanardu.
+ A blank binded book which Mikhail intends to write in. Has begun to write inside it.
+ His left hand now detached from his body. Stored in his house in Sanardu.
+ A long oak staff, dutifully carved over a span of several years. It is decorated with objects of his fear. A stain or two of blood on the business end.
He no longer can wield it as a weapon due to only having one hand. Stored in his house in Sanardu.​
+ A knotted piece of wood (oak) which Mikhail has carved into the shape of a nargled hand.​
+ Trophies from helping kill a dragon including 1 dragon claws, 5 large dragon scales and a large sample of the dragon's blood collected in vials.​
General Inventory:
+ Small pouch of radiants ~100
+ A small satchel carrying some dried meat wrapped in a thin oily cloth
+ A pair of dice
+ His oak staff
+ A small knife for carving​
+ His hand back
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"Something need doing?"
Art by Samiwashere :)

+ Woodcarving [Adept] -- Generally likes to carve shapes into wood when he is bored
+ Carpentry [Adept]
+ Storytelling [Amateur] --
- Makes up a story in the Kraken's Culling, not very well received
- lies his way out of losing a finger​
+ "Borrowing" [Retired] --
- "Given" an Antler, flowers, some curtains, from the Kraken's Culling [Success!]​
- Is "given" a wooden bowl from Valtae [Success!]
- Beaumont almost "gives" Mikhail a money pouch [Failure!]
- Lavender almost "gives" Mikhail a shawl. [Mission Abort!]
- Tries to get some things from Cedlas [Failure!]
- Is "given" some coins by a beggar outside of the Krakens Culling [Success!]
- Tries to get a bird from Kenna [Mission Abort!]
- Tries to get something from Tyrg [Mission Abort!]
- Is "given" some coins from the tavern [Success!]
- "Borrows" a quill from a pub [Success!]
- "Borrows" some money from a capprii woman [Fail!]
+ Farming [Adept]
- Works on replanting the farms of Thorne
+ Stonework [Okay]
+ Drive and Ambition
+ Literacy Skills
+ Impulsive

+ Average, most of what he knows comes out of his own experience or conversations
+ Common

  • Meets Leofaren, Larike, Cassian and a few others at the Kraken's Culling. Is "given" a few things. Tells a completely made-up story. Get's kicked out for causing mischief.
  • Enters the Kraken's Culling and while Valtae is "giving" him a small wooden bowl (Valtae's), his hand is scratched by a pufferfish. He pretends to be hurt and is bandaged up by the elf. He then tries to get Beaumont's money pouch but underestimates the nobles temper and finds himself pushed against roast pig, from which he leaves seeking medical attention. (LINK)
  • Attended to by Arianne, a healer. Gives her a vial of his blood and a vial of spit in exchange for some salves and her experience in treating wounds. Tries to contaminate the samples but is unsuccessful.
  • Meets Cymic, Cedlas, Lavender, Kitrana and Leofaren in the tavern again. Tells a story about how he was injured attempting to incriminate Beaumont. He tries to get Lavender's shawl but fails, some things from Cedlas but fails and then tries to listen in on a conversation between Kitrana and Leofaren but fails.
  • Is "given" some coins by a beggar. Then tries to get a bird from Kenna, fails and is bitten by the bird. Cedlas doesn't seem to like him anymore. Was going to try to borrow from Tyrg but aborts the mission seeing that there was too many people.
  • Meets Grant, Cedlas, Valtae again in the tavern. Pays them no mind and goes to do some writing in the corner as he listens in.
  • Meets [redacted] and is offered a job.
  • Joins in a brawl and smacks some people with his staff. "Borrows" a quill from the pub.
  • Attempts to "borrow" some money from someone, is beaten up and forced to leave the city and go into hiding.
  • Gets a house in Sanardu (not common knowledge)
  • Meets Raalvara, Podric, Halder, Lyssain, Kopii, Leofaren and one other [Charles Kane]. He loses his left hand.
  • Travels to Linlea from the compendium.
  • Upon hearing Hy Evysteels call for the common to rally to Thorne, he leaves Linlea.
  • He begins working on rebuilding the city, starting with the castle. He expands the catacombs under the church so that there can be a place to store the dead from the dragon attack.
  • He begins researching the soil quality and makes plans.
  • He journeys back to Linlea, hoping to speak to Leofaren and Gilligan about his research and to discover what they know.
  • Begins work on the farms, succeeding in restoring the soils to health in 2 weeks. Begins to replant fields. Meets Podric.
  • He concludes his research, discovering many important things about the fungus which he shares with Leofaren and Podric.
  • Upon Kam's call to rescue her home, Mikhail goes to help. He gets sprayed in the eyes with acid and starts his research into the water near the swamp.
  • Successfully organizes a caravan to take grain to Linlea (Link)
  • Begins to completely replant the fields of Thorne, working tirelessly.
  • Upon hearing word and expedition is planned to end the Deep One once and for all, Mikhail travels with Pod to a temporary camp, west of Thorne. He helps kill a dragon and then helps Podric, Cornelius, and Francis back to camp. He takes some trophies.
  • Arrested, and put in the Jail in Haven. Freed with no charges
  • Lost his eyepatch.
  • Killed by Podric Flanders
  • Starts a new business venture
  • Organises a hunt (Link).
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"Something need doing?"

+ Podric Flanders​
+ Leofaren Venna​

+ Everyone Else​
+ Raalvara​
+ His Left Hand​
You made a mistake, Raalvara, in only cutting off my hand in your dogged quest to put to justice my past transgressions. While I used to only feel pain, now I only feel a simmering hatred towards you, tempered by the burning desire to wreak vengeance upon all that you hold dear. I want you to feel the fear that I felt, have those sleepless nights and always be looking over your shoulder in fear that you might just see my face bearing down on yours, devout and pious in its fury. I will take your hand, then I will take everything from you. Raal
Leofaren: Although seeing him is a rarity, I hope that he has begun to see me as the person I had hoped to become -- steadfast and dutiful in service to the realm. I do admire his quiet nature and intellectual persistence and I hope that he may someday see me as an ally or even a friend. Shankster
Podric: Where to from here? I trusted you, I bled for you and I loved you as much as a servant could ever love a master. Your vision was my vision, your dreams, my dreams. My hands, my blood and my sweat, were given freely to you, in a genuine selfless act of love. And yet, on the first moment of doubt, you turned against me, scorning my choices, and denying the truth of who I am, and taking my freedom. I finally know why they fear you. Your truth is not their truth. Your Light is not their Light. Luam
His Left Hand: How dearly I miss your company. Nothing is the same without you. The days are colder and harsher. The nights are longer and leave me restless. I still see you in my dreams, delicate but beautiful in form and function. I pray every day that someday you will be returned to me ...
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Retired Staff
Not to be insulting but the missed relation of your hand is absolutely hilarious.


"Something need doing?"
Small updates to timeline and goals.

He is looking for employment again if anyone wants him :)