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The Order of the Fallen Light


Lord of Altera

''By blade and might, we will vanquish the Heresy, and restore our righteous justice over Altera!''

-exert from ''The path of Light'', Sanctuar Giorgios Maleus, first Imperial era


Organisation summary:

Threat level: Growing
Sphere of influence: extending
Level of influence: Strong

Organisation description:

The Serene Order of the Faithful Servants of the Supreme Sun , also popularily known as the Order of the Fallen Light, is a militaristic, agressive and extremely zealous organisation. It is centered on the purposes of protecting the remnants of the once mighty faith of the Sun God, Harateth, until he comes back to the mortal realm. The Order, even if it may, at first look, seem quite dangerous, is for the moment extremely isolationist and mostly quiet, only talking about their project to build a sanctuary, to which they refer as ''Haven'', to protect and maintain their faith. It is a very young group that resulted from the almost complete destruction of the Grand Lion Empire of Arcturus, and is composed of the eight Faithful Crusaders of auld and their followers. Most of Alterans would currently consider their faith as heresy, but since most of their members are presumed dead, missing or hiding, it is currently not possible to know their whereabouts or actions.

''Natus ab Aurum, generantur ex bellum, pro virtus potens est''

(Definition of Heresy in the Order of the Fallen Light: Worship of any ''Evil'' God, worship of anything else than the prime Sun, believing that the Sun Lord do not exist, believing that Harateth is not the prime God, and finally, anyone opposing the Order and its pristine quest is to be deemed Heretic.)

Circle of crusaders (first chapter):

(Rumored, appearance in public confirmed) Knight Thorius the Faithful
(Rumored, appearance in public confirmed) Knight Marcus the Wise
(Mixed rumors suggest he has fled or passed away) Knight Marcus the Gladiator
(Rumored, has not yet been seen) Knight Tiberius the Cunning
(Has repeatedly appeared to the public) Knight Dormus the Saint
(His identity remains unknown) Knight ------ the Strong

Second Chapter:
(first chapter being the Faithful Knights of the Circle, and following chapters Squires of the previous one)

- Knight-Squire Arictus the Vigilant (presumed gone, whereabouts unknown)
- Knight Gregorius (Lucius) the Bold
- Knight Duncan the Graceful
- Knight-Squire Lemarc
- Knight-Squire Arstan Lerth

Third Chapter:
-Knight-Squire Lokhan Smyte
-Knight-Squire John Beaumont de Astatiel
-Knight-Squire Peter Hallon (I know this isn't the good char, just remind me the new one's name ^-^)


Servants of the Order:

The Order hasn't hired anyone as of now, since it hasn't even made it's presence official, other than by rumors.

On the Order's general stance on things...:
The Order is a quite isolationist, rather closed group that does not like open popularity. It generally prefers acting silently, but can rely on public blows if needed to spread it's message. It is VERY UNLIKELY, at least for the moment, that you can identify a Order Knight in public, unless you have already met one and identified their uniforms or you have a decent amount of RP historical knowledge concerning the fallen Empire of Arcturus.

The Order's hallowed grounds, Haven:

While the Order is still a mix of rumors and encounters, it is known for it's stronghold at Knight's Haven, where the Knights control the river between the middle continent and the southern one. As of now, it is still in a building status, but the mighty White Cathedral has been replicated with supreme craftsmanship to imitate, while bigger, the fallen Cathedral of Novus. The Order shall stand strong once more, and it is widely known that strangers in Haven are quite looked upon for the present times.
All of the Order's buildings and possessions and also to be used as safe havens for those unjustly pursued or attacked by unfaithfuls. We will harbor the defenseless and the innocent, until their culpability or their innocence has been truly proved, as long as they are faithful to the Sun God.


''Belief in the Sun must be absolute! It is the only way to gain redemption and to stop the corruption...''

-Vindicator Arginor Kronas's Journal, 4th day of the imperial pilgrimage.



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Lord of Altera
*looks at this thread*
*looks at my two shrines to Vermella*
*looks at my backstory*

well, we're screwed.


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
*walks in on the thread*
*take's a quick glimps*
*walks back out very akward and mutters* This is gonna end bad
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Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Dude first you HELP us/me with love problems with Visenya, now you are saying to take the island from her. Dahell where is the logic


Lord of Altera
Chat with Archaeus and see how far sun worship got him k?
I suspect I was already much farther then most prior to his joining of the server, baron? ;)

Besides, there's never a limit on how much you can Praise the Sun, alright? Denying it would be heresy! <)


Archaeus got in trouble because he was praising the sun in the name of an entirely different being. Not even a misconception of Harateth.

These guys praise Harateth with just a different name and slightly different form of worship.