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The Roof Top Battle


Lord of Altera
Quinn was walking home from the Merry Mead, and a dark elf named Jayden decided to follow him. Quinn began to feel watched, and when he turned around, the Jayden ran. Quinn decided to chase him, as he was confused why they were running. "Why are you running away from me?" He asked. Then Jayden stopped and thought Why am I running? "Why were you running?" Quinn asked... "and why were you following me?" "Your bloody curious!" Jayden said. "Now..... Dance!" He laughed as he threw a knife at Quinn. Quinn jumped and said "Why did you throw that knife?!" Jayden did not reply, and threw another knife! Quinn jumped while Jayden laughed. "Stop that!" Quinn pulled out his sword. Some peasants were getting disturbed and decided to go outside and look. When they saw it they started getting whatever weapons the had. When a few peasants charged at him with pitchforks and spears, they were killed. Quinn ran to the Port silver square for help. He met a man who followed him to where Jayden was. They chased him, until they got onto one of the roof tops. They cornered Jayden to the edge, and pushed him off. Jayden, who fell about 8 feet, hit the ground hard. This was not the end! The other man jumped onto Jayden, using him to break his fall. But Jayden pushed him off. When Jayden got up he got ready to finish off the man. Thats when Quinn saved the day. He jumped down and tackled Jayden. When he got ready to finish Jayden, Jayden pushed him off. Each of them stood up. "We can end this peacefully dark elf!" The other man said. "Your outnumbered" "Not really" Jayden said. "I mean I have a strong short sword and you-" He paused. "You have a wooden training sword!" Quinn cleared his through and said "And an iron sword, and an iron shie-" "Which I could break if I swung hard enough" "Try then." Quinn said while readying his shield. Jayden smirked, and picked up a medium size rock. "Ever try blocking a rock?" "What is your evil game dark one?" asked the other man. Jayden threw a rock to the man. The man, whose blood was pouring out of his head said "Go on.... Without me....." Then he collapsed, still breathing. Quinn stood up, and shouted "Stop running like a child, and fight like a man!" Quinn chased the man until they were on a roof, one on one side, and the other on the other side. "I'll get you for that!" Quinn said. Jayden ran away again. Quinn who knew the roof tops well made a battle cry and out ran him. They were in jousting formation again. Quinn who didn't want Jayden to run again charged with a loud battle cry. Jayden charged as well. When Quinn tried to stab Jayden, Jayden jumped, while Quinn fell over. While Jayden was coming down, Quinn moved to the side, and got ready to finish Jayden. Jayden saw this and moved to the side,while Quinn's sword wen't into the roof. He tried as hard as he could to pull it out, and at the same time Jayden was charging at him. Quinn finally got his sword out of the roof. Just in time too! A second later and Jayden would have stabbed him. Now both swords were coming to each other at a strong force. If Jayden pushed his sword harder, and Quinn dropped his sword, Quinn's last hope would be his shield, but if Quinn pushed harder, then Jayden would fly back. Luckily Quinn pushed harder, but the blade came off of his sword! Now Jayden was holding on to the edge of the roof. With all the hatred Quinn kicked Jaydens face. Surprisingly, Jayden was still holding on. "For!" Quinn kicked Jayden's face with hard force. "All!" Quinn kicked harder. "Your!" Quinn kicked Jayden's face even harder. "CRIMES!" Quinn kicked Jayden's face, and Jayden fell off the roof and into some shallow sewage water, and Quinn, who fell back from so much force on the kick, slid off the roof and dropped his shield. Now the two were severely injured. Jayden decided to end it forever. He was aiming for the stomach, but his blurry vision caused him to stab Quinn in the shoulder. Then he limped away, while Quinn floated down the sewage water which had turned red. Quinn tried hard to swim, but he failed to. He had lost so much blood that he passed out. After about an hour some peasants found Quinn laying in the sewage. They grabbed him and brought him back to the Merry Mead.

The names have NOT been changed. This is to protect the innocent and not to protect the evil.​