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Theater Town!


King's Hand
Maybe you can make a thread with Dark_Auras and Kvothe.
Just give them some screenies of the theater (build it in SP first).
If it fits into PS, I see no problem.


Lord of Altera
Yeah and mirage is allready a neutral town and all. No offence frankie i like your idea and all, but yet another town isnt the answer here in my opinion. You will save money AND more people would attend if you put it in Port Silver :-P


Lord of Altera
What's wrong with more cities? We should get rid of the inactive ones first.
I was just thinking it would be cool if we had cities that gropued together and became nations....anyways I think I will make my own town, because I don't have to build the theater in any particular manner


The Mogul of Cromarcky
I don't know what dots mean....hoopfully that you will donate?
A small string of dots with no words generally represents a silent disapproval. One could say that these dots on their own could be seen as the feeling of what facepalming would be, without going through all the trouble of actually typing it out. However, dots being what they are, tend to convey the emotion rather than an actual statement, so that each reader may have their own understanding of how they think the author is feeling. An example of this is as follows:

Michcat could see James' "..." as "Why are you attempting to build a second Riddleport, and with no money at that," where as Anithola could see the "..."s as "Why are you wasting time not putting the theater in port silver," while my own perception would be something along the lines of, "Called it." Of course, James himself may have meant something else, like "This isn't getting off the ground," "Why is an Earthspawn trying to be friendly towards everyone, this breaks the lore," or something as vague as "Is this kid serious?"

Hopefully I've explained James' last post thoroughly enough for you.


Lord of Altera
A small string of dots with no words generally represents a silent disapproval. One could say that these dots on their own could be seen as the feeling of what facepalming would be, without going through all the trouble of actually typing it out. However, dots being what they are, tend to convey the emotion rather than an actual statement, so that each reader may have their own understanding of how they think the author is feeling. An example of this is as follows:

Michcat could see James' "..." as "Why are you attempting to build a second Riddleport, and with no money at that," where as Anithola could see the "..."s as "Why are you wasting time not putting the theater in port silver," while my own perception would be something along the lines of, "Called it." Of course, James himself may have meant something else, like "This isn't getting off the ground," "Why is an Earthspawn trying to be friendly towards everyone, this breaks the lore," or something as vague as "Is this kid serious?"

Hopefully I've explained James' last post thoroughly enough for you.
That works...more or less. :p

EDIT: I want to make a simple theater and I end up with tons of people disagreeing and maybe to a point arguing with me (in PMs and whatnot) This is my project, and while I want to be friendly and want everyone to be happy, in the end I decide how it will go. I am sensing hostility between me and pyro. I may make a new town, I may put it in PS. But this is a game about having fun, and roleplaying. We should not be mean to anybody! And I felt your lower comment was a tad mean. Lets just all be happy dammit! :mad:


The Mogul of Cromarcky
I simply explained what james meant.

as far as hostility, I have no issue with you. Here, there, PS, it's your project - place it where you feel it will be most beneficial to you. If you sense hostility, it is simply disappointment, and a reactive defense against the unpleasantness your rp father brought to the private conversation, that I will not retread in a public forum.

If you'd like an explanation of some or all of the above thoughts, I would be happy to discuss in a private message why the various people I mentioned might think what I wrote.


Retired Staff
My next project was gonna be a half-round amphitheatre in PS... you're welcome to help me :p


Lord of Altera
I would appreciate if I could be in charge of this project, as I have been working relentlessly coming up with a design. I will PM with me a DramaticBandGeeks design thus far. It is quite good, so PLEASE give me a chance to show my worth on this server, to have a legacy!
My next project was gonna be a half-round amphitheatre in PS... you're welcome to help me :p


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Tis been decided, it will be in PS!
My next project was gonna be a half-round amphitheatre in PS... you're welcome to help me :p
I do believe I've already voiced issues with having an utterly player-run theater in PS. Awesome builds that this should be in the town of whoever heads it. If theres a theater in PS, it should be headed by the Crown( Kvothe ).


Lord of Altera
Can't the Crown just be happy in enjoying a play that was made by their Subjects? If we have someone qualified to lead this project, then they should be able to. Going off of all Theater Tradition, the Crown or Ruling Force of particular area or Country never is in charge of the Theater directly; they be the ones to accept or deny the building of the theater as well as approve which plays they wish for the theater to place into production. For example, say Chalkan (goldengem26) were to write a play that threw nothing but slander at the Crown, but the theater manager believed that it was well written and structured despite it's content, then the Crown would have the say and would therefore deny the play's existence. Anyhow, I have a suggestion of my own... How about we have a small group who will correctly run the theater through OOC and RP, and who have final say on everything (Minus the scripts).

It's a good idea and I think if you really listen to it, It'll work out.

Thank you for your time.