Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

TommoManderin- Application[Declined - Space]

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Tom McSmith

Loyal Servant of Altera
Hi my name is Tom and I would like to join your server, I play minecraft quite a lot.
I do not grief and if anyone has I would be happy to help re-build. I do not waste space on a server if I make something I will make it spectacular and not a waste of blocks. If I cut down a tree i will cut down the leaves as well because I believe it looks tacky if you leave everything just floating in the air. My age is thirteen I am mature and will not act silly because otherwise I will be kicked :(. I am male. I live in England. I have read the tome of citizenship. :D. I think a Role playing server is a very good idea I do have experience of role-play. I play; Runescape, Lotro and Skyrim. I will explain myself to the community and make friends when I join this server. And I believe my application explains myself very well :D. I do not use mods they are basically a way of cheating.


Please use the proper application format. Feel free to apply again though. When you make the corrections please take the time to write in a clear and succinct manner; using proper grammar, punctuation and flow. It makes a big difference. Declined.
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