Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Wanted: Elven Child/Children.


Lord of Altera
Spidermonkey1701 and I are looking for a long-term Elven roleplay child, you'll have to live in a large family and, because both of the parents are part of the Engem tribe, the character will be raised in a tough enviroment, so you can make it a pretty dynamic character.

If you're interested, please leave a comment with your reason in it. Thank you!


Lord of Altera
I will be your child. My IGN is NoaMarwhal, I am bored of my current character and want to connect my character to someone else. I already have been accepted into Engem Clan. I'll link you to my first app for the server and you can see my info instead of me writing everything out twice, I know I'm lazy.
And I'll upload a Character Profile.

Name: I'll let you pick it.
Age: 42
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Build: Somewhere in the middle of you guys I guess because of genetics.
Hair: Again depends on what you guys have. Just a generic black or so I would say.
Eyes: Something like yours with some odd color mixed in like a little blue in green eyes or so.
Skin: Darker then most elves from years of working outside.
Tattoos/Scars: A healing bruise from the time when a startled deer trampled him while trying to hunt.
Distinguishing Features: Sharp eyes that can notice the slightest of movements.
Traits or Blessings: A good runner and tracker.
Physical Flaws: Being small he is not very well into maturity, also is
Physical Qualities: Matured beyond his age he looks 7 or 8 years older. But considering his age that is quite amazing.
Clothes: Leather which keeps him warm while tagging along with the adults on a hunt.
Hygiene: Horrible, has only washed in the stream once in the past few months and that was when he tripped and fell into it.
Voice: High, but starting to crack at times.
Family Heritage: Mother and father are members of the Engem Clan.
Worships: Engem Gods
Disabilities/Illnesses: Is easily sick and does not go over very well with food he hasn't had before.
Intelligence Level: Rather low having known only tribal culture his whole life.
Known Languages: Just the normal Engem (not sure if there is one but Golden says there kind of is).
Fears/Insecurities/Phobias: Will never eat rabbit after having looked at a skinned rabbit sitting next to his baby brother and seeing the similarity.
Short Term Goals: Prove himself in the tribe and pass the test to pass into manhood.
Long Term Goals: Make his parent's proud and become the tribe's best hunter.
Alignment: Taught to obey and follow Engem principles.
Profession: Child
Hometown: Engem Village
Current Home: Engem Village

Color: Green, like the forest.
Food/drinks: Venison Stew
Animal: Coyote, he admires their stealth.
Activity: Hunting
Person: He admires his parents.

Least Favorite:
Color: Purple, it is not natural and sticks out.
Food/drinks: He thinks ale/wine makes a man everything the Engem are against.
Animal: Deer, the bruise one gave him restricts him in some ways.
Activity: Feasting, food is wasted and men become abusive and evil after the drinking.
Person: The king, he sees him as a greedy man who does not deserve his position.

Backstory: I am raised as a traditional Engem child, being raised in a large family includes lots of hard labor. This labor makes my muscles grow large and much of the labor consists of assisting my family on our small farm which grows us some herbs to use as medicine or eat alongside our meat. My favorite job is assisting the men by carrying weapons and supplies when they go hunting. I tag along as quickly as I can hoping to watch them carry out the kill. I watch closely and hope that when day I will carry out the kill. But for now my hunting is restricted to the woods across the stream from the village.


Lord of Altera
We now have 2 boys, however, we are looking for another child, we would like the third child to be a girl.
Yes, we are hopefully having triplets.


The Kingdom Crusher
We now have 2 boys, however, we are looking for another child, we would like the third child to be a girl.
Yes, we are hopefully having triplets.
More little Engems for us! Hopefully soon I can strap bombs to them teach them to blow up infidels be sweet little Engems.