Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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sparkles emoji
Many signs are hung on the walls and trees of Port Silver with a sketch of a man, it looks like a wanted sign. Under the sketch of a man is written:
Under the order of the Inquisition, Ruemar is to be found. Dead or Alive. The prize is to be determined.
OOC: Yeeeeaaaah, this thread is pretty simple: Find Ruemar. (overlord2304), bring him to the Inquisition, then......I dunno what's next! :p


Lord of Altera
Many signs are hung on the walls and trees of Port Silver with a sketch of a man, it looks like a wanted sign. Under the sketch of a man is written:
Under the order of the Inquisition, Ruemar is to be found. Dead or Alive. The prize is to be determined.

OOC: Yeeeeaaaah, this thread is pretty simple: Find Ruemar. (overlord2304), bring him to the Inquisition, then......I dunno what's next! :p

Warn the guild boy..
Make a contract..