Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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We have your kid, again.


Settling in Altera
Letters pour down from the rooftops of Port Silver. All pieces of parchment contain the same message.​
"Dear Gelyk,
We have your child, it seems you are unfit to be a father, you're not able to bring safety for your children. Not even those that vowed to protect him were able to. If you wish him back, I ask for 5,000 radiants or by midnight in the coming week he will hang from the rooftops, just as bandits hang from the gallows. If you refuse to pay, then we ask of those that care for the boy to pay. If they do not, we shall have a merry show at midnight, we shall hang him as sacrifice to the Gods both Greater and Lesser of Om'echan, not the false Gods the Inquisitors follow. If payment is fulfilled we shall leave you and your family alone for good. Payment shall be left on the rooftop of the candler business. Your boy will be released once payment has been confirmed.
Yours Sincerely,


Lord of Altera
Alright, one is dead, and now one is kidnapped...Garen is ending everyone.


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
"To lose one child may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness." ~Oscar Wilde


Carpet Monkey
*Lord Menelmacil Elumeril, Constable of her Majesty and Sergeant of the Silvercloacks walks through the streets leading a patrol of Silvercloacks and finds one of the letters to read it*
"Mh. At least this time noone blames me."
*He gestures for the men to pick up the letters they can find while he looks up to the roofs. Barely visible he can see a pair of glowing eyes in the shadows on one of the rooftops*
"Tell your Master that he has kidnapped the son of a dear but dead friend. If Raigo hangs, then i will claim that mask of his to nail it into the wall of my constables office! And i won't care if his face would be still behind it."
*leading the patrol he disappears again, a grim look on his face*


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
*Having been leaning against the wall of a building, watching the Constable as he spoke to the hidden man, with a smile badly concealed behind his only, gloved hand... Nwalme bursts into laughter as the Constable marches away again*


Settling in Altera
Lysle had been standing beside Nwalme, watching with curiosity as the constable spoke to the man on the rooftops. He leans heavily on his cane and speaks in a quiet tone.

"Hrmm, perhaps I should see if I can give aid to the Constable."

He limps off in the direction the Silvercloaks had moved off to.


Carpet Monkey
(genius, cataris :D who would suspect someone trying to help the investigation? :D profiler aren't yet born. this will turn into some awesome roleplays, i can already see it :D will Menelmacil be able to see through this game of lies?)

*Menelmacil stands a few streets away at a corner, giving tasks to his men and he just sealed two letters he gives two messenger who ran off. As he sees Lysle he nods respectfull*


Settling in Altera
Lysle coughs into his forearm and looks to the Constable with a frown, his voice sounding both tired and full of worry.

"Constable, I heard about the kidnappings and will offer any of my services to you and your men if they're needed. If the boy comes back to safety I could take him back to the palace and make sure he is fine and healthy. Of course, this is only if you wish it, sir. I tend to walk about the city often as I have been locked out of the palace for some time, every time I attempt to walk to the Palace the gates are closed and no guards in sight to open them for me. I will keep an eye open and make sure that if I overhear anything I will immediately report to you."


Carpet Monkey
(why does this remind me of the harry potter book 4 ending? :D)

*he looks up at the man and listens smiling*

"That is apreciated, though i am sure that Gelyk and Garen will want him back home directly after he is found. Though i would be happy if you could be at my side when the apointed time of the hanging is. There is already a plan forming in my head how the boy could be saved, but a skilled physician maybe is needed to get him back from the verge of death"


Lord of Altera
*Limadan picks up a note, and reads it, then growls*
{There's only one, who deserves to lead..}
*walks off again, funnily he seems not to attract any attention, and heads to the southern wilds*
(Means I'm taking a reak from Limadan.. To not hijack this thread, I'll make a thread later..)


Settling in Altera
"Sir, I must say with a heart of sorrow. If the boy is young as I am told, he will not live a hanging, unless they plan to slowly lower him. If they drop him, the sudden stop and pull on his neck will kill him nigh instantly, but I shall be by your side regardless."


Lord of Altera
*Duchess Venezia, let us drop all of her titles for now, debarks the ship and looks around*
{Port Silver.... I am again in this dirty hole....}
Suddenly, she notices one of the letters on the floor that catches her interest, so she picks it up. {How deep has I fallen that I have actually to bow myself to pick something up. I certainly need more servants...} *she quickly reads through the text and puts the piece of paper into her purse, quietly mumbling* "Poor boy.... this is the reason why we need more jails....Hopefully we can do something to help him."
*she turns to the right, stiffs her back to stand completely straight and paces towards the main gate of Port Silver*


Carpet Monkey
*As Menelmacil is not too far from that he can see the figure of Lady Venecia, though she is still too far away to recognise her*
"Well Lysle, for the hanging i know that but there are more ways for a child to get hurt. Excuse me if my explanations sound like riddles but since i had a few clashes with Icecloack and.....others......i prefer to leave the plans in my head and rather just prepare everyone and everything. In Port Silver even Spys have their own Spys."


We demons of our solemn hour
*Jeroxia picks up a letter too*
{This may be useful for practising reading}
*HE then skips to rota Magna and elumirel*