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Weapons Of Altera


We demons of our solemn hour
I was curious... What are your weapons and what do they do?

Use this form:
Hey my name is (Insert player name here) and this is my weapon called (Insert weapon name here)
And it looks like (Insert picture here) and it does (Insert special ablity here?)
(Post backstory here)

There may be a price for the best weapons posted here!


Lord of Altera
Hey my name is ~Isaac Netherlord~ and this is my weapon called ~Poo Face~ And it looks like ~my phone can't upload pictures that well~ and it does ~next to nothing~.
~can't find link~

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
RP weapons... Or actual ones?
I use my actual ones in RP and PvP but just wondering what bit you want to hear about?


Lord of House Hawklight
Well I used to use a greatsword named Oathbringer, which was blessed by Harateth and gifted to be during the Great War. It was able to shear through steel and killed in one stroke, however I gave it up in rp after the lore team decided all the god gifted swords didn't fit with the lore/were too powerful. Now I just use a longsword named Blackthorn, which is a regular sword, and a kiteshield, with no name.

" Axex is also the holder of Oathbringer, one of the three ancient blades gifted by the Gods to the people of Altera to aid them in their war against Queen Grief. Axex named the long-sword Oathbringer as it represented an extension of his will, and the fulfillment of his Oath to serve Harateth faithfully as a beacon of light against the hordes of darkness. "

The other two swords being Lightkeeper and Dawnbringer respectively.


The Golden Sword of Fire
The Black Cube of Force
Unidentified Golden Sword with Soul Absorb and Fire


Lord of Altera
Hey my name is ... almost got me there, good try.
And this is my weapon's name is Sleet (sharpness V)
And it looks like: A subtle, unassuming blade, but its edges are sharp and thin as if its owners spent all their spare time perfecting it (I do!) It is slightly thinner then in the picture, but still rather ordinary seeming, its deadliness comes from the bitter truth of death it always speaks. It is plain as a sword should be, it does its job, it is held by evil.

and it does ^ nothing extraordinary, at first glance it seems a simple long sword. But it's edge is as thin as paper. Its owner as obsessed with maintaining the simple perfection of this blade as some are obsessed with minecraft.

When in Exile, the young masked murderer had very few belongings save his fathers sword, Moonbeam. He loved that sword, but was forced to sell it so that he could return to the Northern Kingdoms. There he vowed he would find that blade once again, he is still looking. In the mean time he decided he needed a substitute blade. After stealing the iron from a blacksmith he began forging the sword himself, the work went slowly for he could only use the smithy when all else were sleeping, and then each swing of the hammer woke everyone. So, each night he would get to pound the hammer on the steel once then quickly run for cover. Night by night the sword progressed. The growing boy became fond of the blade, still he crafts it meticulously, sharpening and repairing. Never stopping. Sleet, the subtle stabber. Sleet, the bane of many. Sleet, slick with blood.


Lord of Altera
I am Rose Sandlash, My scythe: Edge of deserts has been with me since the leaving of my home village. It dark iron metal with blood runes carved in by my brother cuts through most things like they were made of sand. The wood pole/handle was made from the strongest of the desert woods around my homeland. (picture attached below) When they blade cuts throught the air outside its desert home, it leaves a small trail behind it made of sand, blinding most.

(Little bit of backstory to the scythe) Edge of deserts, blade was handcrafted by Rose herself. It was one of the last things she made before going out into the desert. Her village offered to bless it for her, but she never wanted a God to touch her scythe. Days before she left she spent in her room sharpening it blade, now its edge almost never dulls. If you were to ask Rose if her scythe was finished. She would simply reply: “My scythe is never finished, for its edge will never be sharp enough.”



... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Hey my name is The Awesome BLarg and this is my weapon called Basil
And it looks like a rather pale and tall humanoid with red eyes and it kills you
Secret. Make the Basil tell you.


Lord of Altera
Hey my name is Aloan DiLeon, my weapons are my scythe, which I was injured making, and my needles. My scythe cuts people each time it hits something with... The sharp part.. and my needles hurt when stabbed into people, they also make good jewelry...


Lord of Altera
hey i'm Andras and I have this cold steel rapier (Unnamed)
it serves it purpose as a killing weapon therefore I don't need a dirty scythe or a Pitchfork or a demon death blade


Retired Staff
Vorar is very literally a war machine, so I'd guess its body is its weapon. It's a pacifist though.

Any sword within arm's reach is Irus's weapon. He's got maaaad skills with swords.

A plain staff. She's not very good with it.


Lord of Altera
Hello I am Caspian
I have this trident which is very sharp and a racial weapon which i made myself out of Diamond (ophan assassin tears)

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
Hey my name is Taor Taorensen I
and this is my weapon called Back-Stabber
And it looks like a diamond sword with firey orange engravings with a golden leafed handle.
and it has some enchants that I will keep secret, as they always have been.

The original blade, Back-Stabber, was owned by Taor Raorensen I in the days of (1.7.3). The blade was then passed down to Taor Raorensen II, renamed as Inferno due to Taor being a Demon. The blade was then stripped of most of it enchantments, and was given to Bruce Raorensen, a reincarnation of Taor, except it was a golden sword, which was forged/altered in the Nether designed to slay pigmen and use fire. Then, the sword was destroyed when Bruce was murdered by a certain Pyromancer, and passed down to his adopted son, Kyron Raorensen.
FYI the sword was originally meant for ceremonial purposes, but that didn't work out too well.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Hey my name is Drowan and these are my (main) weapons called Neo Blitzsinger and Eclipse.
And they look like a katana and wakizashi that cut stuff. And they cut stuff. When both are used together, everything shall be cut.

The two of them were aquired in the capital of a small elven empire in the mountains of north-eastern Altera. Spending approximately a year there, Drowan learnt the locals' way of cutting stuff with unique curved blades. He integrated his own knowledge of cutting stuff with their way of cutting stuff to make an even more efficient way of cutting stuff. While Neo Blitzsinger was a reforging of the shattered Blitzsinger with other materials, Eclipse was gifted to him by a Master of cutting stuff as a farewell gift.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
Come now people, don't be shy! I've read (and laughed at) quite a number of amazing weapons that are held within the pages of various player profiles/journals. Don't let Spark's comment dissuade you from posting them.

Even better, raise your hand if your super awesome weapon contains any of the following traits:

- Was made by a demon, god, or some other otherworldly being

- You defeated a demon, god, or otherworldly being and claimed the weapon as your trophy

- Is a demon, god, or some otherworldly being in weapon form, or trapped in a weapon

- Cuts through nearly anything

- Is solidified energy of some sort

- Will never rust, break, or become dull no matter the circumstance

- Can limitlessly absorb/redirect/dispell magic or other energy

(bonus points if what you have doesn't make sense for your character to have, such as a Good aligned character wielding a demon blade, or a mere apprentice owning a super rare and powerful artifact weapon)

How many jimmies can be rustled, I wonder.


Lord of Altera
I love how my scythe doesnt fit in anything that you just said. ^.^ I must have one of the more boring weapons here. *laughs to self*