Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

White list application - XxWenKazxX [Declined-Tang]]


1: XxWenKazxX
2: i'm 17 years old.
3: Male
4: Sweden
5: Yes, i understand that it's very important aswell.
6: a) It looks organized and active RP server. Nice chat mod and probably good admins.
b) I've played WoW for 2 years, but only 1 year on a RP server. I love the roleplaying aspect of the game, but it has it flaws where minecraft does a much better job on that.
7: Hello, my name is Max and i'm a RP fan. I love minecraft(i've been playing it since patch 1.1 Beta) but i've never did any RP in it. I'm playing floorball on my free time and minecraft (ofc). I'm a social person and i love events, but i can also take my gear and go on a solo adventure. I'm here because this is one of the best (if not THE best) RP server in minecraft. I'm pretty good at english, but not perfect since i'm swedish ;)
8: No, i cleaned my hard drive recently ''/
9: I hope my name doesn't hurt the applicaton too much, but since i've got a RP skin i hope that it'll be good anyway :)
10: Yes.
12: Yes.


Lord of Altera
Right well, you're going to need to include the questions in your application, also, you only have 6 sentences, 8 are required, or at the very least greatly encouraged.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Tja du ( im swedish to) Lägg till alla frågor och ta mer på nummer 7 och ha inte så mycket om Minecraft där haha


Lord of Altera
Failed to reply after at least a week. Declined. Feel free to make/edit you application to try and get in if you return.