Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Whitelist Application [Denied - Itzzaboy]

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Surname: Dover
Age:15 ( please don't deny this because of my age, I am mature and do not act like a child.)
Place of birth:Berkshire England
I have read the Tome of cityzenship
I think the roleplay aspect of your server is really good because i like working as a team and having fun in minecraft.And yes i have lots of experience roleplaying
Hi my name is ben
I love minecraft because of the possibility's you can do and the things you can make and create.I would like to join this server because first off; I like playing legitimately and as a team (or else I am very bored and lonely), Secondly, I like servers with a good community (this server is perfect for that) and thirdly, I would like a server where if I make something it won't immediately be griefed by morons who want to spoil everyone's fun. So far, I have seen the images for this server and I was amazed at what I could see, I don't think i've ever seen a server with such high quality standards and buildings as this one, I think it's brilliant.
My favourite games are probably The Elder Scrolls, Baldur's Gate and Battlefield 3 (I do not care much for the Call Of Duty games), I also like racing games like Forza and Motorstorm. I also like reading, especially Manga books, I have read The whole Tsubasa and Hellsing series' and am currently read Fullmetal Alchemist (Currently FMA is my favourite, I definately recommend you read it). That's all I have to say.

Regards Ben :)


I'm sorry sir, it seems you have copied and pasted most of my application :/ if an admin sees this and my app, they will clearly see that you have copied it.

It's kinda sad that you have to copy someone who's younger than you's app.
P.S. Congrats with the immature Ben Dover joke, next time stay true to your (copied) app and be mature.
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