Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Be sure to "Get Whitelisted" to join the community on server!

  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Whitelist Wastelander506 [Declined - Alaila]

Heyyz! My in-name is Wastelander506. i was looking through for some servers and saw yours! so i decided, you guys sound decent and more organized then most servers out there, why not apply? so here i am, attempting to be accpeted :). well... a few things you all should know about me: My real-life age is, 16. I'm a man, no mistake. I like to work...don't really got a problem with it. I have read your... "Tome of Citizenship". I live in Illinois... southern part, so it's pretty silent and calm, i got a few hobbies, such as: Hikeing/Adventuring, Mudbogging (it's a thing around my parts), ATV racing/riding. pleant more! I classify myself as interesting and buzy. I really want to be honest and not lie to you guys, you know...some honesty.. i have been banned from one server so far, which is surprisingly not bad, but the server was, "Loki-Community". I really wanna be part of your guy's community and will not let you down. Hope i supplied enough, if not...Ask questions, i will answer! Thank you :)
- JasonsDaNamee
oops sorry forgot to mention a few things: i am aware of your rules/ideas. i will stick to these, i promise and will do my best to help. i have played RP's before and enjoy them! make no mistake, for i can also be very handy! Thanks! :) also, i play Wurmonline (amazing Roleplay game!)


Lord of Altera
Please use a proper format, located at the top of the forum section. (highlighted in blue) or be lazy and use this link. (click link)


The Lunarch
Hey there, Jason. As Epik rightly stated you are required to use the proper format for your application (Which means leave the questions in) before it will be reviewed. It's just a simple precaution that makes it easier for us to make sure all the information is there.


Lord of Altera
Hey there, Jason. As Epik rightly stated you are required to use the proper format for your application (Which means leave the questions in) before it will be reviewed. It's just a simple precaution that makes it easier for us to make sure all the information is there.
lawl.. you should keep that one.


Sparkly purple member of the team
Since it's been a while since this application is waiting for improvement I'm going to decline it.
Feel free to submit a new, improved application.