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Wind Gliders


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
The question suddenly occurred to me, would gliding apparatus be feasible in Altera?

For example, a Forest Elf using a leather-stretched frame to swiftly descend from a tall tree.

I must admit I'm not the expert on wind gliders, so I don't know if the technology is too advanced or not. Would someone care to fill me in? :p


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Without the authority to give you a yes or no, I'm going to say sure, if your char actually has a legitimate way to get one that isn't an NPC, and they're very, very, very rare.


Retired Staff
I'd say actual gliders are far beyond what Alterans can do, but there's no real tech behind a leather cape held taut with stiff branches or something. It'd be hilariously impractical and heavy, though, so you'd have no reason to lug it up a tree. Even if you did get it up there, you'd barely get any distance since Alterans also don't know about heavier-than-air flight techniques, and you'd need to be 100% confident that it wouldn't break into lots of pieces from trying to carry your weight while opposing the wind.

Maybe you should just take a rope or something instead of faceplanting at terminal velocity.


Lord of Altera
I like the idea, but it would obviously have to have its limits. It would probably be a big, clunky, thing and really wouldn't get you very far. Most likely hard to make, have to find a good engineer and things of that sort. I would be up for it. It's not as if people would not be experimenting at all in things relating to science (with or without approval from any in game characters).